Vall d'Hebron Research Institute
The Vall d’Hebron Research Institute has more than 60 research groups dedicated to researching a wide range of diseases and care improvement, which are applied to the hospital’s clinical practice. 70% of the Institute’s main researchers are medical and nursing staff, who carry out day-to-day consultations in the laboratory.
The main aim of the VHIR is to identify and apply new solutions to public healthcare problems, with international vision and voice. The direct channel between the VHIR and the hospital leads to disruptive research based on curiosity and imagination. Research knowledge is created, innovated and communicated to the public.
Committed to teaching, the VHIR hosts training programmes, doctoral researchers and fosters the Official Master’s Degree in Biomedical and Translational Research.
With more than 20 years of experience, VHIR has been among the leading hospitals in biomedical research in Spain and continues to collect international recognition awards. It is a leader in basic, translational and clinical research, with more than 800 active clinical trials. Its potential in clinical research is demonstrated by its growing alliances with international pharmaceutical companies.
Comella Carnicé
Comella Carnicé
De Valles Silvosa
De Valles Silvosa
Garcia Morales
Garcia Morales
Roman Broto
Roman Broto
Castillo Salinas
Castillo Salinas
Hernández González
Hernández González
Carreras Moratonas
Carreras Moratonas
Lorente Guerrero
Lorente Guerrero
Ramos Quiroga
Ramos Quiroga
Suy Franch
Suy Franch
Jauregui Abularach
Jauregui Abularach
Campins Martí
Campins Martí
Minguell Monyart
Minguell Monyart