From the labto the hospital

General Surgery

Cirurgia General a Vall d'Hebron Institut de Recerca

The General Surgery research group is working to achieve advances in the understanding, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of illnesses included within this specialism. The group’s ultimate goal is to contribute to offering better treatments and results and improving quality. 


This group’s lines of research  include investigation into biomaterials and bioengineering in surgery, with particular attention on the abdominal wall, colorectal, endocrine, bariatric and metabolic surgery, as well as thoracic surgery. 

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Healthcare specialisations
Teaching units
Related professionals
Dr. Alberto
Jauregui Abularach
Head of Department
Thoracic Surgery and Lung Transplants
General Surgery
Dr. Jordi
Serracanta Domenech
Person in charge/Coordinator
Plastic Surgery and Burns
Lead Researcher
General Surgery
Dr. José Manuel
Fort López-Barajas
Dr. José Luis
Sánchez García
Colon and Rectal Surgery
Dr. Joel
Rosado Rodríguez
Thoracic Surgery and Lung Transplants
Dr. Óscar
González López