We provide care, training and carry out research because you are our centre

Endocrine, Metabolic, and Bariatric Surgery

Cirurgia Endocrina, Metabòlica i Bariàtrica a Vall d'Hebron

The Endocrine, Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery Unit is part of the General Surgery Department and has two main purposes: on the one hand, we handle tasks related to endocrine surgery, and, on the other, we also handle metabolic and bariatric issues.


We offer excellence in care for thyroid surgery, and our clinical research and the use of the latest techniques, such as recurrent nerve monitoring and visual amplification of the surgical field, mean the care provided for this pathology guarantees the highest standards, both in benign and malignant pathology.

As for parathyroid pathology, we always try to use minimally invasive techniques.

Adrenal pathology is addressed primarily through laparoscopic surgery, and the Unit has acquired extensive experience over the years.

In the fields of bariatrics and metabolism, we perform all types of technique, both restrictive and malabsorptive and mixed techniques: gold standard, laparoscopic gastric bypass and vertical laparoscopy.


Portfolio of services

The introduction of robotic surgery at the Unit means we have become pioneers in robotic bariatric surgery, with the creation of a model of robotic surgical technique for gastric bypass and tubular gastroplasty.

Surgery is a fundamental pillar for patients diagnosed with morbid obesity living with health problems such as diabetes mellitus, hypertension, cardiocirculatory problems and respiratory disorders. The objective of bariatric surgery is twofold: on the one hand, to re-educate eating habits so that the maximum loss of excess weight can be achieved in the shortest amount of time possible in a sustainable way and, on the other hand, to prevent, reduce and treat obesity-related comorbidity.

Our arsenal of surgical techniques, such as gastric bypass and vertical gastrectomy, includes more complex techniques to alleviate the devastating effects of obesity on such patients. Likewise, in the last 15 years, developments in robotic surgery (where the surgeon operates on the patient through the use of a robot that responds to their orders, improving precision, vision and possibilities of movement) mean these techniques can be carried out more safely and have become more commonplace.

Vall d'Hebron University Hospital is a European reference centre in robotic surgery for obesity. In 2012, we were the first hospital in Spain to operate on the first adolescent patients with morbid obesity, and we are currently recognised as a centre of European excellence.

The joint work of bariatric surgeons and endocrinologists means the Unit is in a privileged position when it comes to metabolic surgery to treat diabetes, when appropriate.



The Section carries out its own research projects, collaborating with other hospitals and other Departments within our Hospital, further information about which can be found in the publications and research sections.



For teaching, our Section has two resident doctors who rotate periodically. We also train medical students from the Autonomous University of Barcelona in the surgical disciplines related to our Unit.

Related professionals
Dr. José Manuel
Fort López-Barajas
Dr. Óscar
González López
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