Colon and Rectal Surgery
The Colon and Rectal Surgery Unit is responsible for the diagnosis and treatment of pathologies of the colon, rectum and anus.
The Colon and Rectal Surgery Unit is a reference centre for this type of operation, and is responsible for the diagnosis and treatment of disorders of the colon, rectum and anus. Currently, the medical team is made up of surgeons who are devoted exclusively to coloproctology.
Portfolio of services
- Benign and malignant colorectal laparoscopic surgery
- Colorectal robotic surgery
- Conventional surgery
- Transanal endoscopic microsurgery
- Advanced surgery (multivisceral resection, exenteration, peritonectomy)
- Single access laparoscopic surgery
- Neuromodulation of sacral roots
- 3D anorectal ultrasound
- Colporectosacropexy
- Endoanal treatment of obstructed defecation syndrome
- Abdominal treatment of obstructed defecation syndrome
- Malone technique
- Treatment with botulinum toxin for anal fissure
- Treatment of anal fistulae (LIFT, plug, growth factors)
- Treatment of haemorrhoidal pathology (haemorrhoidopexy, haemorrhoidectomy)
- Proctological outpatient surgery
- Anal cancer screening
- Anal cancer surgery (conservative and radical)