We provide care, training and carry out research because you are our centre

Thoracic Surgery and Lung Transplants

Cirurgía toràcica a Vall d'Hebrón

At the Thoracic Surgery and Lung Transplants Department at Vall d'Hebron Hospital, we are pioneers and a reference centre in lung transplants and the treatment of lung cancer with minimally invasive techniques.


Since the inauguration of the Department, in 1969, our goal has been to provide comprehensive care for patients suffering from thoracic surgical disease, to improve their quality of life using highly specialised techniques. To achieve this, our work with thoracic surgeons in multidisciplinary teams is key. This collaboration enriches us as professionals as well as people.

As for minimally invasive techniques, video-assisted thoracoscopy allows us to extract the pulmonary lobe with only two or three small incisions. With traditional techniques, this would require one incision of about 15 or 20 cm. This technique therefore causes less bleeding and has less impact on ventilation mechanics.

So the video-assisted thoracoscopy has less of an impact on the immune system and allows patients to get back to their normal life sooner. This technique requires high-precision accuracy, and can only be carried out by highly specialised professionals with a large amount of experience.

We are also the only hospital in Catalonia to carry out lung transplants for children and adults: the Thoracic Surgery Department was the first in Spain to carry out such a successful transplant in 1990.


Portfolio of services

  • Surgery to reconstruct trachea and treat cancer
  • Lung cancer
  • Pulmonary and pleural video thoracoscopic surgery
  • Thoracic sympathectomy, treatment of palmar hyperhidrosis
  • Mediastinal surgery
  • Thoracic wall and diaphragm surgery
  • Pleural pathology
  • Lung transplant in adults and children
Teaching units
Related diseases
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Related healthcare treatment
Related professionals
Dr. Alberto
Jauregui Abularach
Head of Department
Thoracic Surgery and Lung Transplants
General Surgery
Sra. Adela
Amat Huerta
Nursing Supervisor
Dra. Laura
Romero Vielva
Thoracic Surgery and Lung Transplants
Dr. Javier
Pérez Vélez
Thoracic Surgery and Lung Transplants
Dr. Diego Alejandro
Murillo Brito
Thoracic Surgery and Lung Transplants
Dr. Joel
Rosado Rodríguez
Thoracic Surgery and Lung Transplants
Dr. Fernando
Ascanio Gosling
Dra. Maria
Deu Martín
Dra. Leire
Sánchez Corujo
Thoracic Surgery and Lung Transplants
News and events
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