We provide care, training and carry out research because you are our centre

General and Digestive Surgery

Cirurgía general i digestiva a Vall d'Hebrón

At the General and Digestive Surgery Department we provide care for patients who need surgical treatment. The professional team is divided into subspecialties, which means our professionals have a high degree of knowledge in various specific areas. This high level of specialisation, together with our research, is key to offering the best service and maintaining our place as leaders, both in Spain and in Europe, in the treatment of various diseases.


The General and Digestive Surgery Unit is divided up into four independent sub-units, each of which is a benchmark in its sub-speciality: The Colon and Rectal Surgery Unit, the Endocrine, Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery Unit, the Oesophagogastric Surgery Unit and the Abdominal Wall Surgery Unit.

This Department carries out activity across several areas: hospitalisation, emergencies, outpatient clinics and in local primary care centres: Chafarinas and Sant Andreu. Outpatient and walk in surgery is carried out at the Pere Virgili Health Park.

Our team of professionals are also members of various multidisciplinary teams, such as the Breast Pathology and Gynaecological Oncology Surgery units, both part of the Gynaecology Department. This multidisciplinary working method, together with our high level of specialisation, allow us to offer our patients the highest quality care.

The Surgical Block, which opened in 2016, means we can work in integrated operating theatres equipped with all the latest technology, which guarantees the highest quality and safety in surgery, ultimately leading to the best quality of care for our patients.



The General Surgery Service is part of the Research Institute’s General and Digestive Surgery Research Group (VHIR), as recognised by the Catalan government's University and Research Grant Management Agency (AGAUR) (2017 SGR 1476)



At Vall d'Hebron University Hospital, we have a teaching unit that trains postgraduate students in general and digestive surgery. We regularly organise continued education courses accredited by the Catalan Council for Continuing Education in the Health Professions, and we actively participate in teaching as part of the medical degree course at the Vall d'Hebron University Hospital Teaching Unit, part of the Faculty of Medicine of the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB) and the PhD Programme of the Surgery Department of the UAB.

Research gropus
Teaching units
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Related professionals
Dr. Antonio
Gil Moreno
Head of Department
Biomedical Research in Gynaecology
Dr. José Manuel
Fort López-Barajas
Dr. Carles
Head of Section
Gastrointestinal Surgery and Paediatric Transplants
Clinical Nanomedicine and Advanced Therapies Research Centre. Bioengineering, Cell Therapy and Surgery in Congenital Anomalies
Dr. Martin
Espinosa Bravo
Dra. Gabriela
Guillén Burrieza
Paediatric Oncological Surgery
Clinical Nanomedicine and Advanced Therapies Research Centre. Bioengineering, Cell Therapy and Surgery in Congenital Anomalies
Dra. Izaro
Hernan Marcaida
Breast Pathology
Dr. Óscar
González López
Dr. Vicente
Peg Cámara
Breast Pathology
Translational Molecular Pathology
Dra. Lidia
Illán Hernández
Sra. Olga
Mestres Soler
Oesophagogastric Surgery
Sr. David
Usó Bou
General and Digestive Surgery
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