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Obstetrics and Gynaecology

Obstetrícia i ginecologia a Vall d'Hebron

Residents in Obstetrics and Gynaecology undergo ongoing and tutored learning throughout their training, enabling them to acquire in-depth knowledge of the physiology and pathology of the lower female genitalia, pregnancy and birth.


The Obstetrics and Gynaecology Teaching Unit trains residents in the physiological and pathological aspects of human reproduction, and also pregnancy, birth and post-partum care, and their disorders. It also deals with the organs that make up the female genital tract and breast care. Related preventative, psychic, and social aspects are also within its scope.


Accredited places - doctors: 5

Accredited places - midwives: 4


Download the Unit training programme

Download the Unit training programme for midwives


Why specialise at Vall d’Hebron?

  • Because we are a tertiary hospital with outstanding departments. The number of patients who pass through the centre offers great potential for learning and gaining experience.
  • Because we cover most specialisations and you will have the opportunity to see complex conditions and to use cutting-edge diagnostic techniques and treatments.
  • Because our training programme can adapt to the initiative and vocation of each resident, with more emphasis on patient-contact or research according to their needs.
Healthcare specialisations
Research gropus
Related professionals
Dr. Antonio
Gil Moreno
Head of Department
Biomedical Research in Gynaecology
Dra. M. Elena
Carreras Moratonas
Head of Department
Lead Researcher
Maternal and Foetal Medicine
Dra. Anna
Suy Franch
Head of Section
Lead Researcher
Maternal and Foetal Medicine
Dra. Silvia
Arévalo Martínez
Head of Section
Dr. Julio
Herrero García
Head of Section
Dr. Francesc
Baro Marine
Dra. Marina
Catalán Martínez
Dra. Erika
Dra. Inés Zulema
Calero Fernández
Dra. Berta
Serrano Sanchez
Dr. Manuel
Casellas Caro
Lead Researcher
Obstetrics, Paediatrics and Genetics, Maternal and Foetal Medicine
Dr. Pablo
García Manau
Dra. Alba
Farràs Llobet
Dra. María Teresa
Avilés García
Related diseases
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