We provide care, training and carry out research because you are our centre

Gynaecological Oncology and Pathology of the Lower Genital Tract

Ginecologia Oncològica i Patologia del Tracte Genital Inferior a Vall d'Hebron

The Gynaecological Oncology and Lower Genital Tract Pathology Unit is a part of the Gynaecology Department. It treats all genital cancer diseases in the Hospital's catchment area, as well as more complex cases with requirements that exceed the capacity of other health centres in Catalonia.


Our mission is to provide effective, efficient and quality healthcare in the treatment of diseases. Our guiding principle is comprehensive care, where treatment, teaching and research combine to offer the public the highest quality competitive service.

We treat complex pathologies that require multidisciplinary care in which professionals from different disciplines work together. The future of gynaecological oncology pathology is promising, and we have excellent results: between 80% and 90% of cases are resolved with non-invasive surgery, be it laparoscopic, robotic or vaginal. This helps improve the quality of life of our patients.

We work to continue making progress, not only in the care we provide, but also in basic research, which will ultimately improve the care our patients receive. Our mission is for the Gynaecological Oncology and Lower Genital Tract Pathology Unit to lead the way as a cutting-edge centre of excellence with the latest technology, both within the Hospital and in the Catalan public health system as a whole.


Portfolio of services 

  • Cervical cancer  
  • Endometrial cancer
  • Epithelial ovarian cancer
  • Cancer of the vulva
  • Cancer of the vagina
  • Cancer of the fallopian tube
  • Uterine sarcomas
  • Breast cancer and hereditary ovarian cancer
  • Primary peritoneal tumours
  • Intraepithelial cervical neoplasia
  • Intraepithelial vaginal neoplasia
  • Intraepithelial neoplasia of the vulva
Research gropus
Teaching units
Related diseases
Related diagnostic tests
Related healthcare treatment
Related professionals
Dr. Antonio
Gil Moreno
Head of Department
Biomedical Research in Gynaecology
Dra. Lidia
Illán Hernández
See more
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