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Gynaecological Endoscopic Surgery

Cirurgia Endoscòpica Ginecològica a Vall d'Hebron

In addition to the subspecialties that are traditionally related to the field, the Gynaecology Department at Vall d'Hebron University Hospital has for several years now also incorporated gynaecological endoscopic surgery: laparoscopy and hysteroscopy. These account for almost 50% of the scheduled operations performed by the Department and most of them are carried out as outpatients, in the day hospital.


This Unit carries out diagnosis, treatment and monitoring of benign gynaecological pathologies that require surgical treatment using laparoscopic treatment.

The Major Outpatient Surgery Unit is located on the 3rd floor of the Maternity and Children's Hospital, next to the three operating theatres where the Endoscopy Unit and Post-Surgical Resuscitation Division carry out most of their operations.

The surgical area on the 3rd floor is home to the day hospital for major outpatient surgery, with capacity for 6-7 patients in each surgical session. Activity is divided into: four weekly surgical sessions for laparoscopy and one for hysteroscopy. The hospitalisation area is located on the 9th floor of the Maternity and Children's Hospital, with clinics on the 4th floor, where we carry out three modules per week.

At the Pere Virgili Health Park, where we have an operating room, there is a fortnightly module for low-complexity outpatient surgery. Since June 2009, we also offer the possibility of robotic assistance using the Da Vinci system, for more complex endoscopic procedures.

Research gropus
Teaching units
Related diseases
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Related healthcare treatment
Related professionals
Dr. Antonio
Gil Moreno
Head of Department
Biomedical Research in Gynaecology
Dra. Lidia
Illán Hernández
See more
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