From the labto the hospital

Breast Cancer and Melanoma

Grup de càncer de mama i melanoma a Vall d'Hebron

The Breast Cancer and Melanoma group is working on optimising breast cancer treatment by incorporating new targeted drugs. It also wants to optimise multidisciplinary treatments in patients with phase I-III breast cancer by incorporating studies with translational objectives. It is therefore taking part in the development of new chemotherapy drugs and is working with the incorporation of proteome and genome platforms, and circulating tumour cell platforms in breast cancer studies.


Among the group’s current objectives is putting into practice tumour sequencing in patients with breast cancer. We are studying the efficacy of PI3K/mTOR inhibitors and their relationship with mutational state, as well as continuing research on the factors involved in resistance to HER2 treatments and the strategies aimed at reversing them.

We are also studying how effective PARP inhibitors are in breast cancer and investigating the implementation of therapeutic strategies and differentiated clinical trials for tumour subtypes.

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Related professionals
Dra. Cristina
Saura Manich
Head of Unit
Medical Oncology
Clinical Researcher
Breast cancer and melanoma group
Sr. David
Alvarez Guardia
Data manager
Breast cancer and melanoma group
Sra. María Isabel
Martínez Yepes
Data manager
Breast cancer and melanoma group
Dra. Angela
Quintana Vega
Translational Researcher
Breast cancer and melanoma group
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