We bring our talent together

Vall d'Hebron Research Institute

From the laboratory to the hospital


Vall d'Hebron Research Institute (VHIR) promotes biomedical research, innovation and teaching. More than 1,400 people are working to understand diseases today in order to better treat them tomorrow.

Vall d'Hebron Institut de Recerca


The Vall d’Hebron Research Institute has more than 60 research groups dedicated to researching a wide range of diseases and care improvement, which are applied to the hospital’s clinical practice. 70% of the Institute’s main researchers are medical and nursing staff, who carry out day-to-day consultations in the laboratory.

The main aim of the VHIR is to identify and apply new solutions to public healthcare problems, with international vision and voice. The direct channel between the VHIR and the hospital leads to disruptive research based on curiosity and imagination. Research knowledge is created, innovated and communicated to the public.

Committed to teaching, the VHIR hosts training programmes, doctoral researchers and fosters the Official Master’s Degree in Biomedical and Translational Research.

With more than 20 years of experience, VHIR has been among the leading hospitals in biomedical research in Spain and continues to collect international recognition awards. It is a leader in basic, translational and clinical research, with more than 800 active clinical trials. Its potential in clinical research is demonstrated by its growing alliances with international pharmaceutical companies.

Healthcare specialisations
Research gropus
Related professionals
Dr. Joan Xavier
Comella Carnicé
Research Direction
Sra. María
De Valles Silvosa
Dr. Antonio
Roman Broto
Director of Healthcare
Healthcare Management
Sr. Fran
Garcia Morales
Director of Communications, Corporate Strategy and Citizens Advice
Communications Management, Corporate Strategy and Citizens Advice
Director of Communications, Corporate Strategy and Citizens Advice
Communications Management, Corporate Strategy and Citizens Advice
Director of Communications, Corporate Strategy and Citizens Advice
Communications Management, Corporate Strategy and Citizens Advice
Director of Communications, Corporate Strategy and Citizens Advice
Communications Management, Corporate Strategy and Citizens Advice
Dr. Félix
Castillo Salinas
Head of Department
Growth and Development
Dr. Juan
Lorente Guerrero
Head of Department
Ear, Nose and Throat
Biomedical Research with Cancer Stem Cells
Dra. M. Elena
Carreras Moratonas
Head of Department
Lead Researcher
Maternal and Foetal Medicine
Dr. Manuel
Hernández González
Dr. Josep Antoni
Ramos Quiroga
Head of Department
Lead Researcher
Psychiatry, Mental Health and Addictions
Dr. Antonio
Gil Moreno
Head of Department
Biomedical Research in Gynaecology
Dr. Joan
Minguell Monyart
Head of Department
Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology
Reconstructive Surgery of the Musculoskeletal System
Dra. Anna
Suy Franch
Head of Section
Lead Researcher
Maternal and Foetal Medicine
Dra. Gemma
Español Martin
Psychiatry, Mental Health and Addictions
News and events
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Embedded thumbnail for We wish you a Happy New Year and Good Health in 2018!
We wish you a Happy New Year and Good Health in 2018!
We wish you a Happy New Year and Good Health in 2018!

The patients and staff at Vall d’Hebron wish you a Happy New Year and Good Health in 2018!

Màster en Recerca Biomèdica Translacional a Vall d'Hebron
Students of the Master’s in Biomedical and Translational Research
Embedded thumbnail for New research building and Campus transformation
New research building and Campus transformation
Joan Comella, director del Vall d'Hebron Institut de Recerca (VHIR)
20 years of the VHIR