Enquesta de clima als professionals

L'opinió de tots els professionals és clau

S'ha dissenyat i aplicat un estudi de clima laboral anònim entre tots els professionals de l'Hospital perquè expressin els seus pensaments, valorin l’organització i ajudin a millorar-la.  

Comptar amb els nostres professionals és més important que mai. Per aquesta raó el Comitè de Direcció va aprovar l’elaboració d’una enquesta de clima entre els professionals de l’Hospital Universitari Vall d’Hebron per tal de conèixer l'opinió de tothom sobre la gestió del nostre hospital en diferents aspectes claus per al seu funcionament.

Gràcies a l’enquesta es podrà analitzar l'opinió de tots els professionals que hi participin i copsar les idees per tal de valorar-les i tenir-les molt en compte en el present i en el futur de l’actuació del Comitè de Direcció. Els resultats d’aquesta enquesta també seran molt importants per a encarar el nou Pla Estratègic 2021-2025. 



Repte #2

Potenciar professionals

Diagnostic Immunology

As well as research into primary immunodeficiencies, it is also conducting research to identify molecular bases in cases of less serious combined immunodeficiencies that have not yet been characterised by exogenous analysis or high-performance sequencing techniques, next generation sequencing (NGS).

Related professionals
Dra. Mónica
Martínez Gallo
Lead Researcher
Diagnostic Immunology
Dra. Clara
Franco Jarava
Diagnostic Immunology
Dr. Ricardo
Pujol Borrell
Lead Researcher
Diagnostic Immunology
Dr. Roger
Colobran Oriol
Lead Researcher
Immunomediated Diseases and Innovative Therapies
Dra. Ingrid Johana
Gil Serrano
Healthcare specialisations
Teaching units

The Diagnostic Immunology research group is working on two main lines of research. On the one hand, it is studying autoimmunity with the aim of understanding how the lack of immune tolerance leads to autoimmune diseases in specific organs. One the other hand, it is researching primary immunodeficiencies to improve diagnostic tools based on combinations of functional and molecular tests.

Serveis Transversals de l'Hospital


The group’s basic and clinical lines of research surround, above all, the fields of inflammation and repair, respiratory insufficiency and tissue hypoxia. These fields complement one another and are connected through the study of conditions such as asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), pulmonary fibrosis, infections, transplants, pulmonary hypertension and sleep-related breathing disorders.

Visit the research group’s page

Related diseases
Related professionals
Dr. Antonio
Roman Broto
Director of Healthcare
Healthcare Management
Sra. Núria
Bassas Bolibar
Dr. Marc
Dr. Mario
Culebras Amigo
Healthcare specialisations
Teaching units

The group’s basic and clinical research activity, above all, surrounds the fields of inflammation and repair, respiratory insufficiency and tissue hypoxia, and these fields complement one another and are connected through the study of conditions such as asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), pulmonary fibrosis, infections, transplants, pulmonary hypertension and sleep-related breathing disorders.

Hospital General

Neurovascular Disorders

The Neurovascular Disorders research group’s lines of research cover prevention, treatment and repair aspects, also working on the identification of biomarkers in the pathology.

Visit the research group’s page

Related professionals
Dra. Estela
Sanjuan Menendez
Strokes and Cerebral Haemodynamics
Vascular Biology and Metabolism (VBM), Neurovascular Diseases
Healthcare specialisations
Teaching units

Focusing on embolisms from a basic and translational point of view, the research group on neurovascular disorders is investigating all stages of the illness. 


Clinical Nanomedicine and Advanced Therapies Research Centre. Renal Physiopathology

The group is working on understanding the mechanisms involved in renal physiopathology. One of its main lines of research is the role that androgens play. Another important part of the group’s efforts is the early detection of biomarkers for kidney dysfunction, with high performance proteomic analysis and blood and urine samples from patients transplanted under different immunosuppressant regimes.

Related diseases
Healthcare specialisations
Teaching units

One of the main focuses of our laboratory is research into the role androgens play in renal physiopathology, as well as early detection of specific and sensitive biomarkers for kidney dysfunction. The Hospital’s Nephrology and Paediatric Nephrology units participate in the group.

Hospital General
Hospital Infantil / Hospital de la Dona

Neurodegenerative Diseases

The research group focuses on shedding light on the molecular mechanisms behind the neurone cell death that occurs in neurodegenerative diseases, with the aim of finding a cure for this group of neurological, debilitating and incurable disorders. A large part of the group’s work is on Parkinson's disease, a specific neurodegenerative disorder that is mainly characterised by the degeneration of a specific type of neurone that has been identified as automatically limiting a small area of the brain known as substantia nigra pars compacta, which produces the neurotransmitter dopamine.

Related diseases
Related professionals
Sr. Daniel
Rosselló Jiménez
Clinical Trials Study Coordinator
Neurodegenerative Diseases
Dr. Oriol
de Fàbregues
Lead Researcher
Neurodegenerative Diseases
Healthcare specialisations
Teaching units

The Neurodegenerative Diseases research group focuses on getting to know and understanding the mechanisms involved in neurone death in brain degeneration disorders. Mainly focusing on Parkinson's disease, the group was formed with the support of ICREA (Catalan Institution for Research and Advanced Studies) and the European Commission’s Marie Curie Research Grants Scheme. It is also part of the Red Española de Excelencia en Enfermedades Neurodegenerativas (CIBERNED - the Spanish Network of Excellence in Neurodegenerative Diseases). 

Hospital General

Gene Therapy and the Nervous System

The group directs its research towards possible gene therapy strategies for autoimmune and neurodegenerative disorders, especially those associated with ageing. This type of disorder affects the central nervous system (CNS), one of the current challenges in relation to their treatment. There are no effective treatments to cure these illnesses. They are complex and there is the added element of not being able to easily access the CNS and treat them with classic drugs.

Related diseases
Healthcare specialisations
Teaching units

The field of Medicine still has many challenges to resolve, especially in complex diseases with many factors involved, both genetic and environmental. These include neurodegenerative and autoimmune disorders that affect the central nervous system. There are no effective treatments for these conditions. The Gene Therapy and Nervous System research group was therefore created to look for new treatments for autoimmune and neurodegenerative disorders, especially those associated with ageing.

Hospital General

Reconstructive Surgery of the Locomotor System

The team’s main aims are to establish synergies between clinics and researchers in the field of musculoskeletal problems, to develop and improve medical and surgical approaches to reconstruction techniques in orthopaedic surgery. This is reflected in lines of research for the study of neuromuscular pathology, paediatric musculoskeletal research, traumatic injuries, septic pathology (articular periprosthetic infection and osteomyelitis) and knee pathology.

Related professionals
Dr. Joan
Minguell Monyart
Head of Department
Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology
Reconstructive Surgery of the Musculoskeletal System
Dr. Pablo
Corona Pérez-Cardona
Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology
Reconstructive Surgery of the Musculoskeletal System
Dra. Irene
Gallardo Calero
Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology
Dr. Carles
Amat Mateu
Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology
Reconstructive Surgery of the Musculoskeletal System
Healthcare specialisations
Teaching units

The group’s research deals with musculoskeletal problems to improve treatment results, with lines of research in the fields of paediatric orthopaedics, traumatic injuries, skeletal infections and knee problems.

Hospital de Traumatologia, Rehabilitació i Cremats

General Surgery

This group’s lines of research  include investigation into biomaterials and bioengineering in surgery, with particular attention on the abdominal wall, colorectal, endocrine, bariatric and metabolic surgery, as well as thoracic surgery. 

Visit the research group’s page

Related professionals
Dr. Alberto
Jauregui Abularach
Head of Department
Thoracic Surgery and Lung Transplants
General Surgery
Dr. Jordi
Serracanta Domenech
Person in charge/Coordinator
Plastic Surgery and Burns
Lead Researcher
General Surgery
Dr. José Manuel
Fort López-Barajas
Dr. Óscar
González López
Dr. José Luis
Sánchez García
Colon and Rectal Surgery
Dr. Joel
Rosado Rodríguez
Thoracic Surgery and Lung Transplants
Healthcare specialisations
Teaching units

The General Surgery research group is working to achieve advances in the understanding, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of illnesses included within this specialism. The group’s ultimate goal is to contribute to offering better treatments and results and improving quality. 

Hospital General


The Nephrology Teaching Unit has a resident training programme with the following key tracks: extensive training in internal medicine, specific training in nephrology, in-depth knowledge of treatment techniques for renal failure, practical knowledge on diagnosis and therapies in nephrology, and practical knowledge of the role of the nephrologist in community healthcare.


Accredited places: 2 


Research gropus
Related diseases
Related professionals
Sra. Montse
Sevillano Aparicio
Sra. Adela
Amat Huerta
Nursing Supervisor
Healthcare specialisations

The Nephrology Teaching Unit is led by the Nephrology Department, with participation from the Digestive System, Cardiology, Internal Medicine, Intensive Care Medicine, Infectious Diseases and A&E Departments.

Hospital General
