We provide care, training and carry out research because you are our centre


Pneumologia a Vall d'Hebron
At the Pneumology Department, we work to provide patients with respiratory diseases with the best care possible. To achieve this goal, we also carry out research and teaching activity that undoubtedly makes a large contribution to improving care quality.


Our vision and values as a Department place patients at the heart of everything we do. As healthcare professionals we are dedicated first and foremost to each of our patients. Our main motivation is continuous learning in order to improve and advance our knowledge, thus achieving excellence in our day-to-day work. The Department is made up of 18 in-house doctors, 12 resident doctors (three per year) and 9 associate doctors.
The Department’s care focuses on our catchment area’s 500,000 inhabitants. Our centre is also a national point of reference for certain pathologies, and is the leading player in the field of pulmonary hypertension and immunodeficiencies in Catalonia.
Aside from the care aspects of a tertiary Hospital, one of the highlights of the specialties offered in this Department is the Lung Transplant Programme, unique in Catalonia, which started in 1990 with the first successful unipulmonary transplant in Spain. It also includes the Adult Cystic Fibrosis Unit, the largest of its kind in Catalonia, and the Occupational and Environmental Respiratory Diseases Study Programme.

We have received recognition such as the Prize for Professional Excellence, awarded by the Barcelona College of Physicians (COMB) in 2012, and the TOP 20 IASIST award 2009, a Spanish award for the best Pneumology Department in Spain in the area of Respiratory and Thoracic Surgery.



Research activity is a fundamental pillar in the improvement of quality in care. At the Basic Pneumology Research Unit, biochemists, immunologists, biologists and pathologists all work alongside pneumologists.
Our Department has a long history, in this area, as evidenced by the numerous publications in which it appears and our Consolidated Research Group status offered by the University and Research Grant Management Agency (AGAUR) of the Department of Universities and Research and the Information Society (DURSI), since 2002 (file number 2002 SGR 00078), which was renewed in 2005 (file number 2005 SGR 00659). It is also a member of the Spanish groups of excellence that make up the Centre for Networked Biomedical Research into Respiratory Diseases (CIBERES).
Maintaining staff and the purchase of materials and equipment require a constant search for resources. The Vall d'Hebron University Hospital Research Foundation and the Catalan Pneumology Foundation (FUCAP) represent our main institutional support in meeting this commitment, as they facilitate donations and resource management.


In the field of teaching, the Department offers undergraduate classes on Pneumology at the Autonomous University of Barcelona. At the postgraduate level, the Department trains three residents in the specialty every year, and since 1982 we have trained 77 pneumologists. We are also proud to host many specialists from other countries who come to complete their training with us. The Department organises two doctorate courses annually, accredited by the Catalan Council on Continuing Education in the Health Professions: The Course on Advances in Pneumology-Vall d'Hebron (in February) and the Occupational Respiratory Pathology Course (in November).
Research gropus
Teaching units
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Related professionals
Dr. Jaume Joan
Ferrer Sancho
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Dr. Maria Luiza
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Dr. Mario
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Dr. Marc
Dra. Mercedes
Pallero Castillo
Sra. Laia
Vilalta Amblàs
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