We provide care, training and carry out research because you are our centre


Neurologia a Vall d'Hebron

The Neurology Department treats neurological patients, both in primary care centres and at our renowned hospital centre. We have a specialist stroke area (strokes with cerebral blood flow disorders) to treat patients in the acute phase.


The Neurology Department at Vall d'Hebron University Hospital is made up of five specialised units: the Neurovascular Unit, the Dementia Unit, the Epilepsy Unit, the Neuromuscular Unit and the Cephalea and Neurological Pain Unit.

We offer patients all the latest neurology resources, such as emergency neurological care by our expert on-call neurologists. We are home to super-specialist neurology units. We are responsible for quality in the neurological care provided, not only in the hospital, but throughout the entire health area where we are a reference centre.


Teaching and research

We have links to the Faculty of Medicine at the Autonomous University of Barcelona and we are responsible for covering undergraduate and postgraduate neurological studies. The Department is accredited for teaching neurology, and we train resident medical interns specialising in neurology. We are a very active department in pursuing clinical and experimental research with a clear translational vocation to apply knowledge from basic research to the prevention and treatment of real clinical cases.

Research gropus
Teaching units
Related diseases
Related diagnostic tests
Related healthcare treatment
Related professionals
Dr. Xavier
Montalban Gairín
Head of Department
Clinical neuroimmunology
Dr. José
Álvarez Sabín
Head of Department
Sra. Nadia
Puertas Porrino
Sra. Pilar
Meler Amella
Dra. Patricia
Pozo Rosich
Lead Researcher
Headaches and Neurological Pain
Dra. Maria
Peripheral Nervous System
Dra. Marta
Dra. Marta
Torres Ferrús
Headaches and Neurological Pain
Sra. Cristina
Rivera Rubio
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Dr. Oriol
de Fàbregues
Lead Researcher
Neurodegenerative Diseases
Sra. Elisenda
Conde Rodriguez
Peripheral Nervous System
See more
Embedded thumbnail for World ALS Day at Vall d’Hebron
World ALS Day at Vall d’Hebron
World ALS Day at Vall d’Hebron

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