Spinal Column Research Unit

To achieve its aims, the group’s lines of research focus, on the one hand, on characterising and studying disorders such as adolescent idiopathic scoliosis, adult spinal column deformities, spinal tumours and fractures. It also identifies the risks in managing anaesthesia and complications surrounding complications as a result of complex spinal surgery, and looks into new therapies to combat spinal fusion, working with advanced cell therapy.

Related professionals
Dra. Alba
Vila Casademunt
Spinal Column Research Unit
Healthcare specialisations
Teaching units

The group’s main objective is to improve health-related quality of life (HRQL) in patients with spine disorders. This includes identifying the main parameters that influence HRQL and improving clinical results following surgery.

Hospital de Traumatologia, Rehabilitació i Cremats

Headaches and Neurological Pain

The Headaches and Neurological Pain research group uses all available preclinical, clinical and translational tools. It also addresses headaches from a genetic and neuroimaging research angle.

Visit the research group’s page

Related diseases
Related professionals
Dra. Marta
Torres Ferrús
Headaches and Neurological Pain
Dra. Patricia
Pozo Rosich
Lead Researcher
Headaches and Neurological Pain
Healthcare specialisations
Teaching units

In direct relation with caring for patients in consultation, the Headaches and Neurological Pain research group studies the physiopathology of migraines and other primary headaches.  


Hospital General

Musculoskeletal Tissue Engineering

The team that comprises this research group is made up of clinical researchers, who work in collaboration with biologists, engineers, vets and multinational corporations leading the way in the development of orthopaedic products, with a multidisciplinary approach to tissue engineering.

Its lines of research centre around bone regeneration, soft tissue regeneration, and 3D planning and printing in orthopaedic oncology. 

Healthcare specialisations
Teaching units

The group researches the development of advance cell therapies and the technology behind biological constructs in order to integrate them in the best way possible into regenerative clinical treatment. 


Clinical Neuroimmunology

The group’s different lines of research focus on greater understanding of the pathogenic mechanisms behind multiple sclerosis, with the aim of developing new, more effective therapeutic measures. In order to cover the majority of aspects related to the illness, with the ultimate aim of improving patients’ quality of life, the research group’s interests also centre around developing therapeutic tools in multiple sclerosis, getting to know susceptibility of the disease and identifying diagnostic and prognostic markers.

Related diseases
Related professionals
Dr. Manuel
Clinical neuroimmunology
Area Director
Clinical Neuroimmunology
Healthcare specialisations
Teaching units

The Clinical Neuroimmunology research group studies everything to do with multiple sclerosis. The group’s main aim is research that results in tools to improve the quality of life of patients with this pathology.

Hospital General

Molecular Medical Imaging

The group is made up of specialists in molecular imaging, chemical and pharmaceutical specialists in the synthesis of tracers, and biomedical and physical engineers specialised in imaging treatment and tomography equipment.

Healthcare specialisations
Teaching units

The existence of a translational imaging unit is key for research oriented towards personalised patient treatment. The Molecular Medical Imaging research group unites hospital professionals in radiology and nuclear medicine. 

Serveis Transversals de l'Hospital


Among its lines of research are the physiopathology of diabetic retinopathy, the physiopathology and treatment of central retinal vein occlusion, as well as investigation into treatments and new approaches for retinal artery occlusion.

Visit the research group’s page



Related professionals
Dr. Josep
García Arumí
Head of Department
Person in charge/Manager/Director
Healthcare specialisations
Teaching units

Within the vascular biology area, the Ophthalmology research group’s activity essentially revolves around vascular pathology in the retina. 

Hospital General

Cell and Gene Therapy

This research group is seeking improvements in the immune response to transgenic products, or how gene therapy tools can be used to induce immune tolerance in preclinical models. One of its research focuses is finding clinically applicable gene therapy for rare genetic diseases, and new paradigms to model different aspects of hereditary illnesses.

Visit the research group’s page


The Cell and Gene Therapy research group is seeking greater understanding and overcoming some of the barriers that currently restrict the clinical application of haematopoietic gene therapy. 


Translational Molecular Pathology

The Molecular Pathology group is mainly made up of medical anatomopathologists from the hospital’s Pathological Anatomy Department. Its research surrounds cell stress models, which allow the mechanisms by which tumour cells are more resistant to factors such as hypoxia, lack of nutrients or genome damage to be identified.

Related professionals
Dra. Carmela
Iglesias Felip
Pathological anatomy
Translational Molecular Pathology
Dr. Vicente
Peg Cámara
Breast Pathology
Translational Molecular Pathology
Healthcare specialisations
Teaching units

Within the oncology research area, the Molecular Pathology group’s main aim is to study the molecular pathological anatomy of tumours in order to be able to identify new targets for diagnosis, prognosis and therapy.

Serveis Transversals de l'Hospital

Multidisciplinary Nursing Research Group

This group is translating results into clinical practice, in constant collaboration with other healthcare professionals, to improve the care offered to patients, with quality care based on the best results of thorough research.

Visit the research group’s page

Related professionals
Sra. Esperanza
Zuriguel Pérez
Nursing Management
Multidisciplinary Nursing Research Group
Healthcare specialisations
Teaching units

The group of health care research is conducting research with the aim of creating knowledge specific to nursing and healthcare activities.  

Hospital General
Hospital Infantil / Hospital de la Dona
Hospital de Traumatologia, Rehabilitació i Cremats
Serveis Transversals de l'Hospital

Biomedical Research on Melanoma

One of the group’s main aims is translating research into clinical practice. Through basic and preclinical research, it uses animal models; and through clinical investigation, it conducts trials that bring patients the best prevention, detection and treatment methods. 

Healthcare specialisations
Teaching units

The Melanoma programme’s aims are to identify and analyse the key regulators from the beginning and during the progression of melanoma to improve early detection and targeted therapy. At the same time, the programme is identifying biomarkers to improve personalised therapy.

Hospital General
