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Clinical neuroimmunology

Neuroimmunologia Clínica al Cemcat

At the Clinical Neuroimmunology Department, we offer comprehensive care for people with multiple sclerosis and other neurodegenerative diseases of the nervous system, such as myasthenia gravis, Guillain-Barré syndrome or chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy. Located in the Multiple Sclerosis Centre of Catalonia (Cemcat), we are leaders in Catalonia in offering care to patients with multiple sclerosis, and are responsible for significant research and teaching activity.


At the Clinical Neuroimmunology Department, our mission is to improve the health and quality of life of people with neuroimmunological diseases according to their individual needs and choices. The key to achieving this is comprehensive care.

We have a multidisciplinary team of staff who work to offer early diagnosis, personalised treatments —to relieve symptoms and offer neurorehabilitation—, reduced number of hospital admissions, outpatient care and even home care, always actively including patients and their families.

In addition to our own staff, we establish links with professionals from different disciplines, such as neurologists, researchers, neuropsychologists, nursing staff, physiotherapists, speech therapists, occupational therapists and social workers, in order to offer the patient a comprehensive diagnosis with personalised treatment.

This multidisciplinary approach, coupled with personalised, precision medical decisions, results in extremely high-quality diagnosis and treatments adapted to each individual case.

Collaboration between the professionals involved takes place at weekly clinical sessions, where we discuss the initial visits and make decisions about the most appropriate treatments for each patient. This means all processes follow well-defined protocols.

Every year 3,000 patients visit us at the Clinical Neuroimmunology Department, with 500 initial visits annually, 7,000 subsequent visits and more than 2,500 day hospital visits.



The clinical monitoring of people with multiple sclerosis is the motivation of 90% of the research at our Department, which is reflected in the growing number of published articles and their impact over recent years. Our participation in the majority of the international clinical trials related to multiple sclerosis is also one of the main indicators of the extent of our research work.



The teaching activity of the Neuroimmunology Department covers undergraduate, postgraduate and continued education of professionals in the field of multiple sclerosis. It is also worth highlighting the master's programme in neuroimmunology that we organise and run.

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