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Retinopatía de Purtscher

The retina sub-specialism is a branch of ophthalmology concerned with studying, diagnosing and treating retina, uvea and vitreous conditions.



Among the pathologies tackled by this sub-specialism are pathologies of the retina that require medical treatment, including: diabetic retinopathy, retinal vascular disorder, such as venous thrombosis or arterial occlusions, age-associated macular degeneration or severe myopia.

The Department has the most advanced technology for the surgical treatment of various retina conditions:

  • Rhegmatogenous retinal detachment: scleral surgery, vitrectomies or combined surgeries
  • Proliferative diabetic retinopathy
  • Letter Intraocular haemorrhage
  • Lens luxations (secondary to trauma, collagenopathy, pseudoexfoliation syndrome...)
  • Complications of cataract surgery
  • Paediatric retina pathology
  • Macular conditions: epiretinal membranes and macular holes
  • Complex surgery in severe myopia: large macular holes, cases of maculoschisis or retinal detachment due to macular hole
  • Severe eye trauma involving the choroid, retina and/or traumatic aphakia
  • Rarer diseases such as maculopathy due to papillary microholes or retinal detachment due to eyelid coloboma
  • Exogenous or endogenous endophthalmitis
  • Ocular perforations, caustic injuries or eye infections involving the cornea, performing combined surgery with other departments, such as surgery using temporary keratoprosthetics.

The Department also has the technology required for correct differential diagnosis of tumour pathologies of the eye and to conduct multi-disciplinary exams to diagnose and monitor patients. With regard to treating choroidal melanoma, the Department performs treatment through vitrectomy, acquiring tumour samples, and through tumour endoresection, as well as plaque brachytherapy implant (local radiotherapy).

The Retina Department at Vall d'Hebron Hospital constantly works on implementing and updating protocols of action on the different diseases of the retina and vitreous. The Retina Department is highly committed to research and teaching. It stands out for its long tradition of publications and for publishing chapters in books, as well as for taking part in various national and international studies on the latest scientific advances and technological innovation, allowing us to offer our patients the latest therapeutic advances.

The clinical and basic research activity of the ophthalmology research group focuses on finding new treatments for blindness. We have a research programme in developing new therapeutic strategies based on: a) gene and cell therapies to regenerate or halt the retina degeneration process in pre-clinical models; b) eyewash formulae to discover new anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant compounds to treat retina conditions; and c) 3D retinal organoids derived from hiPSC and bioscaffolds used as models of retinal disease, both for genome editing and drug screening.

Related professionals
Dr. Josep
García Arumí
Head of Department
Person in charge/Manager/Director
Dra. Anna
Boixadera Espax
Dra. Laura
Dra. Randa
Dra. Olaia
Subira Gonzalez
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