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Paediatric Nursing

Infermeria pedriàtica a Vall d'Hebron

The Paediatric nursing specialist training programme uses a cross-cutting approach to competencies related to communication, care and resource management, teaching and research, and a targeted approach to advanced surgery competencies in the different areas of paediatric practice.


Paediatric nursing specialists provide independent nursing care to babies, children and adolescents at all levels, as well as dealing with disease prevention and rehabilitation. They work as part of a multidisciplinary team and in collaboration with specialist nursing staff from other areas.


Accredited places: 8


Download the Unit training programme


Why specialise at Vall d’Hebron?

  • Because we are a leading hospital in Catalonia and Spain.
  • Because we have an advanced technology Perinatal Unit capable of dealing with any pathology.
  • Because we look after paediatric patients with complex needs who require the most advanced medical-surgical technology, maintaining constant contact with the paediatric and surgical specialisations and sub-specialisations (paediatric surgery, cardiac surgery, neurosurgery, traumatology and vascular surgery).
  • Because we are able to carry out all kinds of treatment related to cardiac surgery; neurosurgery; kidney, heart, lung, bone marrow and liver transplants; chronic and acute dialysis systems; and foetal surgery.
  • Because you will be able to do rotations in specialisations such as primary care, paediatrics, nephrology, oncology, neonatology, and paediatric ICU.
Healthcare specialisations
Research gropus
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