We provide care, training and carry out research because you are our centre

Corneal and Ocular Surface Section

Oftalmologia Vall Hebron

Our Section deals with the diagnosis and treatment of all pathologies affecting the ocular surface, whether inflammatory, infectious, dystrophic, traumatic, tumour-related or degenerative.



Within the Department, we have the most up-to-date complementary tests for diagnosing ocular surface pathologies: specular microscopy, pachymetry, state-of-the-art topography (Pentacam, Cassini), high-resolution anterior segment OCT, etc.

We maintain a close relationship with the departments involved in the diagnosis (Microbiology and Pathological Anatomy) and treatment (Blood and Tissue Bank) of ocular pathologies. This allows us to speed up the diagnostic processes (especially in infectious and tumour processes) and to improve the performance of the treatments applied (amniotic membrane, amniotic membrane extract eye drops, autologous serum eyedrops, cord blood plasma, platelet-rich plasma...)

We have three weekly sub-specialty operating room sessions, which gives us a very short waiting list for ocular surface and keratoplasty techniques. We are a centre especially involved in performing corneal transplants, and in recent years we have remained among the public centres that have performed the most transplants, both in Catalonia and nationally. In the last few years, we have been incorporating lamellar techniques into our transplants (anterior lamellar, DALK type, and posterior endothelial lamellar, DSAEK and DMEK type), so that currently only 30% are penetrating. We thus achieve a lower rate of intraoperative complications, better and earlier sight recovery and a reduction in the incidence of rejection and/or endothelial failure in the medium and long term.

Like the other sections in our Department, we actively participate in training residents in the specialty, as well as in Ophthalmology classes and in placements for fourth-year students of Medicine at the UAB.

As far as research is concerned, the members of the Department conduct work as principal investigators or collaborators in different projects, both in the Ophthalmology Department and in other hospital departments (Oncology). One of these projects allows us to have access to topical treatment of our patients with umbilical cord blood plasma eye drops, which is far superior to other therapeutic options in ocular surface pathologies.

We are a benchmark national unit of expertise (CSUR) for surgical techniques involving complex reconstruction of the ocular surface, especially those using amniotic membrane and temporary or permanent keratoprosthetics.


Research gropus
Teaching units
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Related professionals
Dra. Laia
Bisbe López
Dra. Sara
Martín Nalda
Dr. Javier José
Puig Galy
Dr. Josep
García Arumí
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Dr. Antoni
Dou Saenz de Vizmanos
Dr. Alfredo
Pueyo Ferrer
Dr. Òscar
Balaguer Solé
Dr. Miguel Ángel
Arcediano Sánchez
Dr. Gianluca
Dra. Olaia
Subira Gonzalez
Dr. Antonio
Segura Garcia
Dra. Marta
Castany Aregall
Dra. Randa
Dra. Helena
Brosa Morros
Dra. Elena
Jurado Gonzalez
Paediatric Ophthalmology
Dra. Anna
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