We provide care, training and carry out research because you are our centre

Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology

Cirurgia Ortopèdica i Traumatologia a Vall d'Hebron

The Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology Department is a wide-reaching department that serves people with pathologies, from the primary care level, in consultations carried out within the Department and local outpatient centres, to the most complex level of orthopaedic and traumatological pathologies. We work with all surgical techniques, and specialise in adapting the techniques we use. We can boast a long tradition and high level of prestige at all levels: local, regional, state and internationally.


Our Department is home to a large number of practitioners involved in admitting patients with both simple and complex traumatisms and poly-traumatisms in the Accident and Emergency Department, as well as throughout the duration of the treatment.

As it is located within Vall d'Hebron University Hospital, we are able to take a multidisciplinary approach to the treatment of patients with musculoskeletal pathologies, in close collaboration with the Radiology, Neurophysiology, Anaesthesia, Intensive Care, Rehabilitation, Neurosurgery and Plastic Surgery Departments.

Our objectives are excellence in care, research and teaching. Our Department has a significant number of resident doctors, and hosts regular visitors from other centres from Spain and abroad.


Portfolio of services

We are specialised in paediatrics, shoulder surgery, microsurgery and neuroorthopaedics, wrist and hand, hip, ankle and foot, knee, osteoarticular reconstruction, septic and tumoural pathology. We also specialise in patients with traumatism and surgery of the spine.

The Department is organised into functional units and subunits, each of which deals with a particular area of the pathology. This means professionals can train in a wide-reaching specialty with a multitude of surgical techniques that are constantly evolving.

Many of our units are considered reference centres by the Spanish Ministry of Health, such as the Septic Pathology Unit, the Pelvic Osteotomy Unit and the Children's Orthopaedic Unit. Finally, the Department is also present in other areas, such as the Outpatient Surgery Unit at the Pere Virgili Health Park.

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