We provide care, training and carry out research because you are our centre

Intensive care medicine

Medicina Intensiva a Vall d'Hebron

Our mission is to restore the health of all critical or potentially critical hospital patients using advanced monitoring and support systems. Our work with patients is carried out both within the Intensive Care Unit and outside it, 24 hours a day, every day of the year. We have the knowledge and technical means to treat the most complex patients.


The Intensive Care Unit (ICU) treats 1,200 of the most complex critical patients every year. Additionally, the Department supports other serious patients not in the ICU but who require assessment from specialists in intensive care medicine.

The Intensive Care Medicine Department leads many hospital programmes, such as: Code Sepsis, care for cardiorespiratory disease and the ECMO programme, and collaborates actively in the Organ Donation and Transplant Programme.

We also bring together different professional groups (doctors, nurses, administrative staff, orderlies, cleaning staff, etc.), resulting in a multidisciplinary department in which teamwork is essential. Our goal is to humanise the ICU to make it an environment in which professionals, families and patients are comfortable.



The Intensive Care Medicine Department has its own research group at the VHIR Research Institute, in the area of Infectious Diseases: the SODIR Research Group (Shock, Organic Dysfunction and Resuscitation).

The SODIR has 2 areas of research:

  1. Critical Patient Sepsis and Infections Research Division, which includes research into: sepsis, septic shock and infections in critical patients.
  2. The Organic Dysfunctions and Resuscitation Research Division pursues research into: acute respiratory insufficiency, lung transplants, extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO), neurocritical pathology and critical renal pathology.

SODIR has created a Clinical Research Unit to take part in clinical trials sponsored by the industry, and supports competitive research projects. The Unit is made up of nurses and doctors dedicated exclusively to clinical research, and currently has 11 active clinical trials.



Teaching activity at the Intensive Care Medicine Department encompasses the teaching of undergraduate, postgraduate and continuing training of professionals in treating critical patients. We have been accredited to train 3 residents in intensive medicine annually. We organise several yearly courses, such as: Ventilung, Ecolung, ECMObarna and SedUCI.

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Related professionals
Dr. Ricard
Ferrer Roca
Head of Department
Intensive Care Medicine
Sra. Pilar
Giron Espot
Nursing Supervisor
Strokes and Cerebral Haemodynamics
Sra. Tatiana
Acero Bailen
Dr. Marcos
Pérez Carrasco
Intensive Care Medicine
Dr. Jordi
Riera del Brío
Intensive Care Medicine
Lead Researcher
Shock, Organ Dysfunction and Resuscitation
Dr. Álvaro
García Del Campo
Intensive Care Medicine
Dr. Juan Carlos
Ruiz Rodríguez
Intensive Care Medicine
Lead Researcher
Shock, Organ Dysfunction and Resuscitation
Sr. Cristian
Torres Salguero
Intensive Care Medicine
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