Clinical Nanomedicine and Advanced Therapies Research Centre. The Pharmacokinetics of Nanoparticles

With special interest in the production of fundamental and applied research, the group is working on designing nanoparticles with applications in the field of medicine. At the same time, the research they are conducting places special emphasis on safety, viability, extension, applicability, and other aspects related to nanoparticle engineering.


The Nanoparticle Design and Pharmacodynamics group focuses on the synthesis, characterisation and applications of inorganic nanoparticle engineering in the field of medicine. The group’s aim is to design nanoparticles that can interact with biological systems in a specific way. The group is headed up by Professor Víctor Puntes, ICREA (Catalan Institution for Research and Advanced Studies) Research Professor.


Thoracic Tumours and Head and Neck Cancer

The group is currently focusing on putting into practice ALK translocation, studying how effective PI3K/mTOR inhibitors are in patients with EGFR-TKI-resistant lung cancer, and studying how effective PARP inhibitors are in lung cancer.

They are analysing the epidemiological and clinical characteristics of women diagnosed with lung cancer. They are committed to reinforcing a multidisciplinary approach to provide the best care for patients, and are proactive in the fight against smoking.

Related professionals
Dra. Enriqueta
Head of Section
Medical Oncology
Lead Researcher
Thoracic tumours and head and neck cancer group
Healthcare specialisations
Teaching units

The Thoracic  Tumours and Head and Neck Cancer group is contributing to the development of suitable drugs and therapies for thoracic tumours, as well as head and neck tumours. Through translational research, they are getting closer to advanced personalised medicine for patients with lung cancer. At the same time, the group is optimising new approaches to treatments for patients with malignant thoracic, head and neck tumours.

Hospital General

Clinical Nanomedicine and Advanced Therapies Research Centre. Biomedical Research in Digestive Tumours

Focusing on tumours in the digestive system, the group is working on diagnosis and prognosis tools in this type of condition, in order to get closer to early and more effective treatment. It is also studying the genetic and epigenetic causes and some of the mechanisms that occur in tumours, in order to increase the knowledge of the peculiarities of this type of cancer. In short, it is gaining deeper knowledge of the molecular mechanisms responsible for tumour formation, allowing diagnosis and treatment to be improved.

Healthcare specialisations
Teaching units

Our laboratory’s main area of interest is the study of molecular events underlying the tumour formation process in the digestive system, especially in colorectal cancer.

Hospital General

Infection in Immunosuppressed Paediatric Patients

It is dedicated to research into viral, fungal and bacterial infections in immunosuppressed paediatric patients. It is a pioneering unit in this filed and national point of reference, with a high level of expertise. The unit’s research also reflects on daily clinical practice.

Visit the research group’s page

Related diseases
Related professionals
Dr. Pere
Soler Palacín
Person in charge/Coordinator
Paediatric Infectious Diseases and Immunodeficiencies Unit
Infection in Immunosuppressed Paediatric Patients
Dra. Núria
Wörner Tomasa
Sra. Alba
Parra Martínez
Infection in Immunosuppressed Paediatric Patients
Sra. Clàudia
Broto Cortés
Infection in Immunosuppressed Paediatric Patients
Dra. Natalia Ana
Mendoza Palomar
Paediatric Infectious Diseases and Immunodeficiencies Unit
Infection in Immunosuppressed Paediatric Patients
Dra. Jorgina
Vila Soler
Infection in Immunosuppressed Paediatric Patients
Sra. Míriam
Project Manager
Paediatric Infectious Diseases and Immunodeficiencies Unit
Infection in Immunosuppressed Paediatric Patients
Sra. Aina
Aguiló Cucurull
Specialist Technician
Laboratory Technician
Infection in Immunosuppressed Paediatric Patients
Dra. Marina
Garcia Prat
Infection in Immunosuppressed Paediatric Patients
Sra. Aurora
Fernandez Polo
Infection in Immunosuppressed Paediatric Patients
Healthcare specialisations
Teaching units

The Infection in Immunosuppressed Paediatric Patients research group is mainly made up of paediatricians from the Paediatric Infectious Pathology and Immunodeficiency Unit

Hospital Infantil / Hospital de la Dona

Breast Cancer and Melanoma

Among the group’s current objectives is putting into practice tumour sequencing in patients with breast cancer. We are studying the efficacy of PI3K/mTOR inhibitors and their relationship with mutational state, as well as continuing research on the factors involved in resistance to HER2 treatments and the strategies aimed at reversing them.

We are also studying how effective PARP inhibitors are in breast cancer and investigating the implementation of therapeutic strategies and differentiated clinical trials for tumour subtypes.

Related professionals
Dra. Cristina
Saura Manich
Head of Unit
Medical Oncology
Clinical Researcher
Breast cancer and melanoma group
Sr. David
Alvarez Guardia
Data manager
Breast cancer and melanoma group
Dra. Angela
Quintana Vega
Translational Researcher
Breast cancer and melanoma group
Sra. María Isabel
Martínez Yepes
Data manager
Breast cancer and melanoma group
Healthcare specialisations
Teaching units

The Breast Cancer and Melanoma group is working on optimising breast cancer treatment by incorporating new targeted drugs. It also wants to optimise multidisciplinary treatments in patients with phase I-III breast cancer by incorporating studies with translational objectives. It is therefore taking part in the development of new chemotherapy drugs and is working with the incorporation of proteome and genome platforms, and circulating tumour cell platforms in breast cancer studies.

Hospital Infantil / Hospital de la Dona

Clinical and Translational Bioinformatics

The group is working on developing biomarkers, with the help of bioinformatic tools, and on the prediction of pathological mutations. In this last field, they are already applying the tools and approaches developed in specific pathologies, as a natural step towards developing personalised medicine.

Visit the research group’s page


The group’s aim is to develop bioinformatic tools that serve to analyse and interpret high-performance data in the clinical and biomedical field. We work alongside other groups working on specific conditions, at the same time as we work to achieve a global understanding of the molecular bases of Mendelian inheritance diseases.


Tumour Biomarkers

We are looking for therapeutic targets and secretory tumour biomarkers based on signal transduction systems, using quantitative proteome methods. They also characterise the influence of non-classical secretion during tumour formation, especially in tumour invasion and metastasis.

Visit the research group’s page

Healthcare specialisations
Teaching units

The Tumour Biomarkers group is working on characterising the mechanisms adopted by tumour cells to communicate with their environment during tumour formation and targeted pharmacological treatment. This data is then used to find biomarkers and pharmacological targets.

Hospital General
Hospital Infantil / Hospital de la Dona

Growth Factors

They are developing innovative therapeutic strategies to treat HER2 positive tumours and to identify mechanisms of resistance to current treatments. Working on the characterisation of the role of premature senescence in the progression and treatment of breast cancer, and the study of the implications of the immune system for the progression of cancer.

Healthcare specialisations
Teaching units

The group’s current aims are focused on developing new bispecific antibodies to recruit cytotoxic lymphocytes in breast cancer and develop murine models to evaluate immune treatments. Designing new strategies to modulate the secretory phenotype of senescent cells, identify response biomarkers and mechanisms of resistance against MEK inhibition in pancreatic cancer.

Hospital General
Hospital Infantil / Hospital de la Dona

Paediatric Neurology

As well as its work on researching the molecular bases of several of these rare diseases, one aspect common to all the group’s projects is research on transferring findings in the fields of molecular diagnosis, genetic counselling and new genetic or pharmacological therapies. In order to make these discoveries, they dedicate part of their research to the molecules involved in the physiopathological mechanism of the diseased studies, always in direct relation to patient consultation.

Related diseases
Related professionals
Dra. Belén
Pérez Dueñas
Paediatric Neurology
Lead Researcher
Paediatric Neurology
Healthcare specialisations
Teaching units

The Paediatric Neurology research group mainly focuses on studying genetic disorders affecting development of the nervous system in paediatric patients. Its main emphasis is on paroxysmal neurological disorders and neuromuscular disorders. Most of the disorders they study are considered rare.

Hospital Infantil / Hospital de la Dona

Maternal and Foetal Medicine

The group has established a pioneering programme on detection of congenital heart defects and chromosome abnormalities. They are also investigating the long-term impact of an adverse environment during gestation for maternal and child health (growth restriction, preeclampsia, prematurity, breast cancer during pregnancy). Its other lines of research are dedicated to the effects that obesity or breast cancer may have on pregnancy.

Related professionals
Dra. M. Elena
Carreras Moratonas
Head of Department
Lead Researcher
Maternal and Foetal Medicine
Dra. Anna
Suy Franch
Head of Section
Lead Researcher
Maternal and Foetal Medicine
Dra. Carlota
Foetal Medicine
Maternal and Foetal Medicine
Dr. Manel
Maternal and Foetal Medicine
Dra. Maria
Goya Canino
Lead Researcher
Maternal and Foetal Medicine
Dra. Alba
Farràs Llobet
Dr. Manuel
Casellas Caro
Lead Researcher
Obstetrics, Paediatrics and Genetics, Maternal and Foetal Medicine
Dra. Nerea
Foetal Medicine
Maternal and Foetal Medicine
Healthcare specialisations
Teaching units

The research group is working on developing and improving early prediction and prevention in premature birth. Among its main aims is the combined work between clinical and basic researchers to study the complications associated with placental insufficiency and congenital heart disease.

Hospital Infantil / Hospital de la Dona
