We provide care, training and carry out research because you are our centre

Radiation Oncology

Oncologia Radioteràpica a Vall d'Hebron
The Radiation Oncology Department deals with the diagnostic, clinical and therapeutic aspects of cancer patients, prioritising use of radiation and associated therapies. Radiation therapy is a fundamental tool in treating tumours, either exclusively or in combination with other treatments.


At the Radiation Oncology Department, our goals are to help improve all aspects related to the prevention, diagnosis, treatment, teaching and research of cancer. We are a central plank in organising care for patients with cancer, especially with regard to radiation oncology. Working in multidisciplinary teams helps improve the healing rates of our patients, and makes us a reference department across Spain.

We have the most advanced technology in Europe. Techniques such as image-guided radiation therapy (IGRT) and intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) mean we can provide more precise treatments by adapting the dose to the shape of the tumour to better protect healthy tissue.

These advances are especially relevant for paediatric radiation therapy, since precision strategies are even more important in children. We treat 80% of children in Catalonia, as well as handling complex cases from elsewhere in Spain.

Technological development has allowed us to improve the whole process of planning and treatment using radiation.

The Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy Programme (IMRT) and the Stereotactic Radiosurgery/Radiotherapy Programme (SRS) were both started at the Hospital's Radiation Oncology Department in 2008. Initially, IMRT was used to treat prostate tumours, and later for the treatment of cancer of the breast, head and neck, and paediatric tumours. It is now also used in gynaecological and digestive tumours, and we are able to apply it in all cases where it might represent a significant improvement in treatment.

We are the centre that performs most treatments using intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) in Catalonia for genitourinary pathologies, tumours in the head, neck and breast neoplasias, where advanced technology has been fully integrated to improve care.

Our dedication to offering quality and safety in care has made us pioneers, as we have established various internal control committees, as well as developing our own protocols for image guided radiation therapy (IGRT). We are a young, dynamic team that is part of a range of scientific organisations, both nationally and internationally.



We have our own group at the Vall d'Hebron Research Institute (VHIR) and the Vall d'Hebron Institute of Oncology (VHIO). We are also an active part of various national and international research groups (EORTC, SIOP, GICOR, etc.).


We are constantly training residents even before the MIR medical residency programme, meaning we have significant experience in teaching. Many residents who trained at our centre now hold positions of responsibility related to oncology treatment in the main hospitals in Catalonia and the rest of Spain, as well as hospitals in the European Union and South America.
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Radiation Oncology
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