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Reumatologia a Vall d'Hebron

We have extensive experience in training rheumatology residents. Since 1991 we have trained 20 specialists, most of whom are now leaders in the field. We believe rheumatology requires total commitment over a three year period. For this reason, we offer a period of general training in internal medicine during the first year, in order to dedicate the following three years exclusively to rheumatology. Thanks to this programme, we guarantee rigorous and quality training in the professional competencies required for rheumatology and related care, research and teaching aspects.


This teaching unit is composed from the Rheumatology Unit of the Internal Medicine Department and its different care units. Taking part are the Rheumatology research group, the Internal Medicine Department and different medical and surgical specialisations.

The training programme incorporates residents into the Rheumatology research group’s lines of research, meaning they receive general training in research methodology, conventional and new areas of research, as well as evidence-based medicine and research based on healthcare outcomes.

Experience in research allows us to offer students a high-quality doctoral programme to carry out a thesis project and obtain the qualification of Doctor of Medicine. We also offer the chance to collaborate on research projects assessed by public research bodies, and to co-author the resulting papers.

Accredited places: 1


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Why specialise at Vall d’Hebron?

  • Because thanks to the high number of patients we care for, both in the hospital environment and in primary care, residents have access to a wide range of real-life cases.
  • Because we offer highly specialised care to patients with chronic inflammatory arthritis, and treatments with selective immunosuppressants for patients with rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis and spondyloarthropathies.
  • Because the Department’s Paediatric Rheumatology Unit is a leading centre in Spain for juvenile idiopathic arthritis and other systemic and musculoskeletal diseases.
  • Because you will see patients with metabolic bone disease, principally osteoporosis, and work together with the Respiratory Medicine Department to monitor transplant patients with osteoporosis caused by glucocorticoids.
  • Because we are the leading unit in Barcelona for patients with central sensitization syndrome, and fibromyalgia in particular. In addition, we offer specialised care to patients, meaning you can acquire the knowledge required for quality care provision.
  • Because you can carry out activities related to the diagnostic ultrasound and ultrasound-guided biopsy rooms, since we carry out ultrasound assessments on patients. Our residents are also trained in the use of musculoskeletal ultrasound by teachers from the Ultrasound School of the Spanish Society of Rheumatology, who are also members of our unit.
  • Because we work closely with Internal Medicine, Paediatrics, Immunology, Pharmacy and Clinical Pharmacology, Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology, Rehabilitation, Anaesthesia, Dermatology, Respiratory Medicine and the Digestive System Department, among others.
  • Because the accessible and committed teaching style in the Unit enables continuous close assessment of residents, maximising their skills and being right by their side as their career takes shape.
  • Because we have vast experience training rheumatology and paediatric residents from other teaching units, as well as residents from abroad.
  • Because we are interested in providing quality training and we make all possible resources available for our residents to undertake training courses with the Rheumatology Society, and to attend national and international conferences and meetings with a clear educational aim. We also stimulate and support the preparation of presentations and papers at leading conferences, and encourage residents to acquire oral and written communication skills.
  • Because we encourage stays abroad during the residency, at centres such as the Giannina Gaslini Institute in Genoa, Italy; Inselspital Bern University Hospital in Bern, Switzerland; the NHS Trust Service of Rheumatology in London, UK; and the Division of Clinical Rheumatology and Immunology in Birmingham, USA. 
Healthcare specialisations
Research gropus
Related professionals
Dr. Luis
Coronel Tarancón
Internal Medicine, Rheumatology
Sra. Ana Elena
Ruiz Alcaraz
Nursing Supervisor
Internal Medicine
Dr. Josep
Dr. Vicent
Fonollosa Pla
Internal Medicine
Dr. Alfredo
Guillén del Castillo
Dra. Cristina
Soler Lladó
Internal Medicine
Sra. Lidia
Iñigo Cruces
Internal Medicine
Related diseases
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