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Great participation of professionals from Vall d'Hebron in the 2nd National Congress of COVID-19

Segon Congrés Nacional COVID-19
Tuesday, 13 April, 2021

14 health professionals and researchers are speakers or moderators of round tables to analyze the impact of COVID-19 from different perspectives.

Between April 12 and 16, 2021, the second edition of the National Congress of COVID-19 is held, an online scientific meeting between more than 200,000 health professionals from 78 scientific societies with direct involvement in the management of the pandemic. The aim of the sessions is to promote a better common knowledge of the pandemic, from a multidisciplinary exchange of experiences and knowledge. The congress welcomes 380 speakers in nearly 90 sessions, including symposia, round tables and keynote conferences, among which are 14 professionals from Vall d'Hebron. It can be followed online through the Congress website.

Dr. Magda Campins, head of the Preventive Medicine and Epidemiology Service of the Vall d'Hebron Hospital and head of the Epidemiology and Public Health research group at VHIR, is one of the speakers in the debate “Latest news in COVID-19. Janssen Symposium”.

At the round table "Rheumatology in times of COVID-19", Dr. Mireia López Corbeto, physician at the Rheumatology Service of Vall d'Hebron, speaks about pediatric rheumatological diseases and COVID-19.

Dr. Daniel Gil Sala, physician of the Angiology, Vascular Surgery and Endovascular Surgery Service of the Hospital Vall d'Hebron, presents the results of a study on venous thromboembolic phenomena in critically ill patients due to COVID-19 at the round table “Clinical impact and health of COVID-19 in the field of angiology and vascular surgery”.

David Perea Pérez, researcher from the Infectious Diseases group at the VHIR, participates with the oral communication “A novel human lung tissue model for identification of SARS-CoV-2 entry inhibitors” as part of the round table “Translational research: genomics and development of vaccines ”.

Dr. Benito Almirante, head of the Infectious Diseases Service and head of the Infectious Diseases research group at VHIR, moderates the session “Bacterial superinfection in the COVID-19 patient: Clinical complexity. Shionogi Symposium”.

For his part, Dr. Sergi Bellmunt, head of the Angiology, Vascular Surgery and Endovascular Surgery Service, participates in the round table "Endovascular surgery after a year of pandemic" with the talk "Have adjuvant medical treatments to endovascular techniques been modified in COVID-19?”.

At the table "Respiratory physiotherapy in the COVID-19 patient in the different healthcare areas", Bernat Planas Pascual, physiotherapist at Hospital Vall d'Hebron, talks about respiratory physiotherapy in critical patients due to COVID-19.

The round table "Impact of the SARS-CoV-2 infection on the health of women and newborns" has the participation of three professionals from Vall d'Hebron. Dr. Nerea Maíz, specialist in the Fetal Medicine Unit and researcher in the Maternal and Fetal Medicine group, presented the impact of infection on pregnant women and the registry of pregnant women from the Spanish Society of Gynecology and Obstetrics (SEGO). Dr. Anna Suy, head of the Obstetrics Section at Vall d'Hebron and researcher in the Maternal and Fetal Medicine group at the VHIR, speaks about the repercussions of the infection on maternal-fetal health. Finally, Dr. Maia Brik, specialist of the Obstetrics Service and researcher of at the group in Maternal and Fetal Medicine of the VHIR, explains the results of the study on the psychological and social impact on pregnant women during confinement.

Dr. Alejandro Tomasello, researcher from the Clinical Neuroimmunology group at the VHIR, comments the experience in the management of acute neurointerventionism during the pandemic at the table "The nervous system as a COVID-19 target: clinical and radiological aspects".

Sonia García, resident of the Hospital Pharmacy of Vall d'Hebron, presents the study on COVID-19 in patients with solid organ transplantation as part of the table "Learning COVID-19 and Hospital Pharmacy."

Dr. Ricard Ferrer, head of the Intensive Medicine Service of the Vall d'Hebron Hospital and head of the Shock, Organ Dysfunction and Resuscitation (SODIR) group of the VHIR, is the moderator of the round table “Intensive Medicine against COVID- 19 ".

Finally, Dr. Marta Garrido, physician of the Pathological Anatomy Service, explains the diffuse trophoblastic damage in placentas infected by SARS-CoV-2 within the table "Pathological anatomy against COVID-19".

Comparteix aquest contingut
Related professionals
Dra. Magda
Campins Martí
Head of Department
Preventive Medicine and Epidemiology
Epidemiology and Public Health
Dra. Mireia
Lopez Corbeto
Dr. Benito
Almirante Gragera
Dr. Sergio
Bellmunt Montoya
Angiology, Vascular Surgery and Endovascular Surgery
Dra. Nerea
Foetal Medicine
Maternal and Foetal Medicine
Dra. Anna
Suy Franch
Head of Section
Lead Researcher
Maternal and Foetal Medicine
Dr. Ricard
Ferrer Roca
Head of Department
Intensive Care Medicine
Dra. Marta
Garrido Pontnou
Pathological anatomy
Dra. M. Elena
Carreras Moratonas
Head of Department
Lead Researcher
Maternal and Foetal Medicine
Dr. Rafael
Touriño García
Dra. Judith
Sanchez Raya
Head of Department
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Sra. Laura
Yague Velasco
Nursing Supervisor
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Dr. Xabier
Michelena Vegas
Sra. Pilar
Giron Espot
Nursing Supervisor
Strokes and Cerebral Haemodynamics
Sra. Carmen
Ferrer Barbera
Nursing Supervisor
Infectious Diseases
Dr. Julio
Herrero García
Head of Section
Dra. Inés Mª
de Torres Ramírez
Head of Unit
Pathological anatomy
Biomedical Research in Urology
Dra. Silvia
Arévalo Martínez
Head of Section
Sr. Alex
Ginés Puertas
Person in charge/Coordinator
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Dr. Pablo
García Manau
Dr. Jordi
Riera del Brío
Intensive Care Medicine
Lead Researcher
Shock, Organ Dysfunction and Resuscitation
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