Talent on Campus
I graduated from Autonomous University of Barcelona Medical school in 2015 and afterwards I completed Cardiology specialty training during 5 years at Vall Hebron University Hospital. When I finished, I combined tasks in the Grown-Up Congenital Heart Disease Unit and the Cardio-oncology Unit, after a short training in the United States. From 2016 on, I have dedicated my career to the Grown-Up Congenital Heart Disease Unit, as well as to the realization of cardiac stress testing.
Currently I participate as a collaborator in several research projects and in a study funded by "El Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias" (FIS) del Instituto Carlos III, focused on the study of patients with pulmonary hypertension. I am a member of the "Working Group on Grown-Up Congenital Heart Disease" of the European Society of Cardiology, a member of the " Sección de Cardiopatías Congénitas" of the Spanish Society of Cardiology and a member of the Catalan Society of Cardiology.
Additionally, throughout the year I attend many courses, meetings and scientific national and international conferences to keep my competencies and skills up-to-date. And in the field of teaching I participate in some courses for professionals with interest in Adult Congenital Heart Disease.
Ferreira González
Ferreira González
Méndez Fernández
Méndez Fernández
González Otero
González Otero
Dos Subirà
Dos Subirà
Teixido Tura
Teixido Tura
Torrents Fernández
Torrents Fernández
Santos Ortega
Benito Villabriga
Benito Villabriga
Francisco Pascual
Galian Gay
Galian Gay
Sambola Ayala
Sambola Ayala
Rivas Gándara
Bañeras Rius