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Dra. Soledad
Romea Lecumberri


I'm a doctor in medicine and a specialist in Preventive Medicine and Public Health. My professional experience has developed in primary and hospital care, mainly in the area of management, information systems, service assessment, quality, clinical safety and process improvement. 

I am currently the director of Quality, Processes and Hospital Innovation. From the Directorate we have as challenges to improve the agility of process care, patient safety, adequacy of clinical practice and to promote innovation in the hospital.

Centers Info

Belongs to the institutions

Cross-departmental services

Innovation, Processes and Quality Director
Healthcare Management


Professional Experience:

I have more than twenty-five years of professional experience at the Catalan Institute of Health. I started my career in the area of the 'Primary Attention Management' in Barcelona, where I worked first as a public health technician, then as the person responsible for evaluation, projects and research and, finally, as a deputy to the management.

At the Vall d'Hebron University Hospital, I served as Technical Secretariat, Quality Director, Assistant Assistant Director for coordination between assistive levels and currently Director of Quality, Processes and Innovation.


I'm a graduate and doctor of medicine with mention cum laude at the University of Zaragoza. I did the specialty of Preventive Medicine and Public Health at Bellvitge Hospital.

I have done a number of master's, diplomas and postgraduate courses, highlighting: Diplomature in Health (IES), Master in Health Sciences (Autonomous University), Graduate in Quality (ICS), Master of Directorate for Health Institutions (Fundation Doctor Robert). Autonomous University), Postgraduate Lean Practitioner (Institut Lean Management and Polytechnic University of Catalonia) and Program of High Management of Health Institutions (IESE Business School of Madrid). Docence and research in the teaching field I have been tutoring residents of Family and Community Medicine and Preventive Medicine and Public Health and I have collaborated as a teacher in various master's and courses.

In the field of research, I have participated in various publications and projects in the field of public health, health service assessment and quality of care.

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