From the labto the hospital

Cardiovascular Diseases

Malalties Cardiovasculars a Vall d'Hebron Institut de Recerca

The Cardiovascular Diseases research group investigates the mechanisms of a wide range of cardiac diseases in a multidimensional manner. It deals, among other things, with acute coronary syndrome, diseases of the aorta, cardiomyopathy and congenital heart disease.


This is one of the most comprehensive groups in the Vall d’Hebron Research Institute, and includes an Experimental Cardiology Laboratory, a Cardiovascular Epidemiology Unit and the Clinical Research Unit. Thus, it works to generate knowledge about the mechanisms of heart disease, to produce new tools for diagnosis and therapy, while designing new ways to apply the current tools for the prevention and treatment of patients with cardiomyopathy.

It also has inter-departmental lines of research related to molecular and cell biology, medical imaging techniques and the evolution of technologies. 

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Healthcare specialisations
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Related professionals
Dr. Ignacio
Ferreira González
Head of Unit
Lead Researcher
Cardiovascular Diseases
Dra. Laura
Dos Subirà
Head of Section
Lead Researcher
Cardiovascular Diseases
Dr. Antonio
Rodríguez Sinovas
Cardiovascular Diseases
Dra. Begoña
Benito Villabriga