We provide care, training and carry out research because you are our centre

Plastic Surgery and Burns

Cirurgia plàstica i cremats a Vall d'Hebron

At the Plastic Surgery and Burns Department, we treat diseases of the whole human anatomy and specialise in transplant techniques for the face and extremities, tissue regeneration and reparative microsurgery and more. Constantly striving for innovation, we are a pioneering Department internationally in total facial transplants and stem cell treatment of burn scars.

Constantly striving for innovation, the Plastic Surgery and Burns Department was a pioneering service internationally in total facial transplants and stem cell treatment of burn scars.


At the Plastic Surgery and Burns Department, we handle congenital or acquired diseases that affect soft tissue and bone, traumatisms and large burns, as well as specialising in face, limbs, grafts, treatment of tumours and significant deformities and regeneration of tissues and reparative microsurgery, and more.

We treat diseases that require the use of plastics and tissues in the form of flaps and biomaterials. For these treatments, we often use advanced wound healing, microsurgery and endoscopy techniques. We treat the whole body, but focus on the face, the skull and the neck, as well as the torso, in particular the mammary glands, and the extremities, especially the hands and the legs.

Our main objective is reparatory surgery. We specialise not only in techniques for transplants of the face and extremities, but also in biomaterials and tissue regenerators, adult stem cells and reparative microsurgery.

With over 50 years of history, Plastic Surgery and Burns Department is a leading centre in severe burns and a Spanish Reference Centre (CSUR) for complex reconstruction of the auricle, microtia, face and hand treatment and stem cells and major catastrophes. Tragedies such as the Hipercor terrorist attack and the fire at the Els Alfacs campsite are examples of this.

Plastic surgery is highly focused on hospital services and is a multidisciplinary specialty, characterised by constant innovation, the relationship with other specialties and the constant search for excellence. We were pioneers internationally in total facial transplants and in treatment with stem cells for burn scars.

Our Department is home to many functional units, and we participate in various multidisciplinary teams from other specialties; the Burns Unit, the Microtia and Facial Malformation Unit, the Breast Pathology Unit and the Face and Extremities Transplant Unit are all worthy of mention.

Teaching units
Related diseases
Related professionals
Dr. Juan Pedro
Barret Nerín
Head of Department
Plastic Surgery and Burns
Sr. Carlos
Moreno Ramos
Nursing Supervisor
Plastic Surgery and Burns
Dr. Jordi
Serracanta Domenech
Person in charge/Coordinator
Plastic Surgery and Burns
Lead Researcher
General Surgery
Dra. Izaro
Hernan Marcaida
Breast Pathology
Dra. María Sonsoles
Cepeda Diez
Dr. Jorge
Aguilera Sáez
Plastic Surgery and Burns
Dr. Anselmo
Garrido Ferrer
Plastic Surgery and Burns
Dra. Romy
Rossich Verdés
Paediatric Intensive Care
Plastic Surgery and Burns
Sr. Miguel
Jiménez Pera
Plastic Surgery and Burns
See more
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