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Cardiac Surgery

Servei de Cirurgia Cardiaca

The Cardiac Surgery Department provides care for patients with heart diseases who need an operation. This branch of medicine is highly specialised and requires expert staff. Our department is a pioneer in the Catalan public health system that has grown significantly since it was officially created on 24 January 1972.

Our current catchment area covers over one million people from the north-eastern part of Catalonia, including the counties of Girona and Lleida and the north of the Barcelonès county. This is an extensive geographical area, though its population density is lower than others.


Our activity at the Cardiac Surgery Department has been linked to the history of medicine and, more specifically, to the history of cardiac surgery in Catalonia. The Department's development, then, has been made possible thanks to the advances made in cardiac surgery and cardiology in general. Also relevant here is its expansion, from an initial national health system that developed into the current regional health system, regulated by the Catalan Health Service through the Catalan Health Institute.

 The history of our Department dates back to the 1960s, when Dr. Paravisini performed the first surgical operations to repair the mitral valve in the heart, known as "mitral comissurotomies”. The following years saw the beginnings of cardiac surgery using extracorporeal circulation, a technique employed for replacing the heart’s function as a pump and enabling the heart to be stopped and operated on. Surgical operations became standard by the end of the 1970s. It was not until the 80s, however, with the arrival of Dr. Murtra, that there could be said to be a protocol-based programme of operations that produced pioneering results at the time. The number of patients treated has steadily increased: from 400 cases a year using extracorporeal circulation in the 1980s, to 600 at present. 

The current catchment area covers over one million people from the north-eastern part of Catalonia, which includes the counties of Girona and Lleida and the north of the Barcelonès county. This is an extensive geographical area, though its population density is lower than others. We created the Multihospital Care Service to provide care for this area.

Resident cardiovascular surgeons and other specialist doctors working as locums for our Department, jointly take part in pre-operative studies with the Department team, both in surgical indications and in surgical procedures, with a varying degree of involvement, depending on their level of training. These doctors join the Post-Operative Cardiac Surgery Unit (UPCC) immediately after cardiac surgery, provide postoperative care on the ward, and take part in monitoring patients through outpatient consultations.


Units making up the Department

  • Pacemaker Unit
  • Aorta Unit
  • Congenital Pathology Unit
  • Structural Surgery Unit
  • Valvular Surgery
Research gropus
Teaching units
Related diagnostic tests
Related healthcare treatment
Related professionals
Dr. Rafael
Rodríguez Lecoq
Head of Department
Cardiac Surgery
Dra. Ana Belén
Méndez Fernández
Medical Coordinator
Dra. Laura
Dos Subirà
Head of Section
Lead Researcher
Cardiovascular Diseases
Sra. Natalia
González Otero
Dr. Ignacio
Ferreira González
Head of Unit
Lead Researcher
Cardiovascular Diseases
Dra. Nuria
Rivas Gándara
Dr. Jaume
Francisco Pascual
Dr. Jordi
Bañeras Rius
Dra. Begoña
Benito Villabriga
Dra. Alba
Santos Ortega
Dr. Jordi
Pérez Rodón
Dra. Paula
Resta Bond
Cardiac Surgery
Dra. Gisela
Teixido Tura
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