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Diabetes and Pregnancy Unit

Diabetes and Pregnancy Unit

Our work here at the Diabetes and Pregnancy Unit is to monitor the pregnancies of women who are diabetic or who develop diabetes during their pregnancy. We offer coordinated care with endocrinologists and specialists in the management of the disease. 


When someone suffers from diabetes, their body cannot properly process food and obtain energy from it, which leads to high levels of sugar (glucose) in the blood. High levels of glucose in the blood over long periods of time have been shown to cause damage to blood vessels, as a result of which the body’s organs can no longer function properly. 

Having diabetes before pregnancy (pre-gestational diabetes) or developing diabetes during pregnancy (gestational diabetes) are two situations requiring specialist care.

The Diabetes and Pregnancy Unit consists of a multi-disciplinary team that includes endocrinologists, diabetes educators, obstetricians and midwives. We offer specialist educational information on diabetes and glucose-monitoring in mothers-to-be. 

We attend to pregnant women with type 1 or type 2 diabetes and women who develop diabetes during pregnancy. We also work together to detect possible complications and improve the health of our female patients and their future babies.

Our Unit has taken part in several clinical studies and trials through the Spanish Diabetes and Pregnancy Group (GEDE) and launched a gestational diabetes screening programme.

The Unit is jointly coordinated by the endocrinology team (Dr Anna Casteras and Dr Olga Simó) and the obstetrics teams (Dr María Goya and Dr Mireia Vargas); in addition, we are also supported by specialist midwives and diabetes educators. 


Departments associated with this speciality

  • Diabetes
  • Hypothyroidism: a disease caused by an insufficient production of hormones from the thyroid gland. 
  • Intrauterine Growth Restriction (IUGR): this causes the future baby to be small for its gestational age.
  • Foetal macrosomia: this causes the future baby to be large for its gestational age.


Health advice relating to this speciality

  • Keep to a healthy diet
  • Take up sport and physical exercise
  • Taking insulin


Treatments relating to this speciality

  • Diet
  • Taking insulin


Diagnostic tests associated with this speciality


Departments associated with this speciality


Training is also provided for other doctors, medical students at the Autonomous University of Barcelona and locums (fellowship).

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