We provide care, training and carry out research because you are our centre


The Psychiatry Department offers high quality clinical care to patients with mental health problems and addictions. We are also responsible for a significant amount of teaching linked to the Autonomous University of Barcelona, in addition to highly competitive research programmes at the Vall d'Hebron Research Institute.


At the Psychiatry Department, our mission is to serve as the reference health care resource in the Barcelona Nord healthcare district for people with mental health problems and addictions. We offer a comprehensive service that is both effective and efficient, based on the professional quality of our staff, our modern facilities and coordination with all the mental health resources in the sector.

We currently have 10 beds in the Hospital, and thanks to a collaboration agreement with San Rafael Hospital, we also have an Integrated Adult Psychiatry Unit (UIPA), with 41 beds to admit acute psychiatric patients from the Barcelona Nord healthcare district.

Our goal is to lead the way in the design, study and research of more effective and efficient ways of addressing mental illness. We have created a model for the treatment of disruptive behaviours that is based first and foremost on the continuous advances made in neuroscience, clinical psychology and psychiatry regarding the knowledge of how the human brain works, and secondly on continuity of care throughout the whole therapeutic process.

We have four outpatient clinics (adults, addictions, children and adolescents and traumatology) and a Psychiatry Emergency ward with six bays, part of the A&E Department of the General Hospital:

  • Community Psychiatry Section
  • Liaison Psychiatry and Interconsultations Section
  • Children and Adolescent Psychiatry Section
  • Addictive Behaviour Section


Portfolio of services

  • Addictions
  • Sexual dysfunction
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Psychiatric genetics
  • Adult psychiatric interconsultations and liaison psychiatry
  • Infant and Child psychiatric interconsultations and liaison psychiatry
  • Gender violence
  • Dual pathology
  • Cross-cultural psychiatry
  • Suicide
  • Smoking
  • Borderline personality disorder
  • Attention deficit disorder and hyperactivity in adolescents and adults (ADHD)
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder
  • Drug Dependency Care and Monitoring Centre (CAS)
  • Treatment of mental disorders that require hospital admission
  • 24/7 whole-life psychiatric emergencies
  • Treatment of mental disorders during pregnancy and postpartum
  • Foetal Alcohol Syndrome
  • Mental disorders associated with 22q11 deletion
  • Autism
  • Tourette’s Syndrome


On the other hand, we also offer suprasectoral programmes for the diagnosis and treatment of highly complex patients who are unable to receive adequate treatment at their centre in the Mental Health and Addiction Network of Catalonia.


Intrahospital and sectoral programmes

  • Adult liaison psychiatry and hospital interconsultations programme.
  • Infant and child liaison psychiatry and hospital interconsultations programme
  • Infant and child attention deficit disorder and hyperactivity programme
  • Drug dependency programme at the Vall d'Hebron CAS (Care and Monitoring Centre).
  • Sexual dysfunctions programme
  • Whole-life autism programme
  • Whole-life Tourette’s syndrome programme


Suprasectoral programmes 

  • Adult attention deficit disorder programme
  • Adolescent and adult borderline personality disorder programme
  • Whole-life cross-cultural and immigration psychiatry programme
  • Post-traumatic stress and victimology programme
  • Gender violence programme
  • Damage reduction and assisted venepuncture programme
  • Smoking treatment programme
  • Psychiatric care for pregnancy and postpartum programme
  • Whole-life foetal alcohol syndrome programme
  • Genetic Psychiatry Programme
Research gropus
Teaching units
Related diseases
Related healthcare treatment
Related professionals
Dr. Josep Antoni
Ramos Quiroga
Head of Department
Lead Researcher
Psychiatry, Mental Health and Addictions
Dra. Gemma
Parramon Puig
Head of Section
Dr. Marc
Ferrer Vinardell
Head of Section
Lead Researcher
Psychiatry, Mental Health and Addictions
Sra. Mercedes
Rodríguez Fernández
Dra. Marta
Quesada Franco
Dra. Vanesa
Dra. Júlia
Vendrell Serres
Sra. Rosa
Bosch Munsó
Sra. Thais
Ballabriga Córdoba
Social Assistant
Dra. Elena
Ros Cucurull
Sra. Marta
Sorribes Puertas
Sra. Maria Elisabet
Monterde Ochoa
Social Assistant
Dra. Amanda
Rodriguez Urrutia
Psychiatry, Mental Health and Addictions
News and events
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