We provide care, training and carry out research because you are our centre


Microbiologia a Vall d'Hebron

At the Microbiology Department, we seek to maximise efficiency and sustainability to meet the needs of the public. We have a broad catalogue of services with state-of-the-art tools in clinical microbiology, in terms of both diagnosis and the monitoring of microorganisms in the population and the study of epidemic outbreaks.


The Microbiology Department works in two sections and across four transversal units: The Bacteriology and Mycology Section, the Virology Section, the Molecular Biology Unit, the Serology Unit, the International Health and Parasitology Unit and the Support and Innovation Unit.

We also respond to clinical problems in the field of infectious diseases, as we provide high-quality diagnosis and the necessary resources for research projects, which is one of our main objectives.


Portfolio of services 

Our team is made up mainly of university professors committed to technological innovation, quality and safety. This places us at the forefront of diagnosis, and our laboratory is a leader both nationally and internationally in several areas:

  • Study of community outbreaks of food poisoning in Catalonia (Public Health Agency of Catalonia)
  • Screening for human papillomavirus infection in Catalonia (Catalan Institute of Oncology)
  • External quality control for antibiotic sensitivity tests on mycobacteria. We are also a leading player within the Spanish Network of Tuberculosis Laboratories (Ministries of Health, Social Services and Equality). Since 1994, we have been part of the International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Diseases (IUTLD) network, and the international network of reference health laboratories of the World Health Organization (WHO)

In addition, the Microbiology Department has effectively implemented a quality management system in accordance with the requirements of UNE-EN ISO standard 9001-2008.



We aim to generate knowledge with our basic and applied research projects, as well as enhancing the undergraduate and postgraduate teaching of residents, and the continuous education of all our laboratory staff. We have a microbiology research group led by Dr Tomàs Pumarola dedicated to the study of microbial aspects involved in infectious diseases.



The Microbiology Teaching Unit is run by the Microbiology Department, with participation from the Paediatric, Intensive Care, Infectious Pathology and Primary Care Departments.

Research gropus
Teaching units
Related diseases
Related professionals
Dr. Tomàs
Pumarola Suñé
Head of Department
Dr. Andrés
Antón Pagarolas
Dr. Mateu
Espasa Soley
Person in charge/Coordinator
Dr. Juan José
González López
See more
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