We provide care, training and carry out research because you are our centre


Urologia a Vall d'Hebron
The Urology Department stands out for our use of the latest technology and hospital specialisation with our primary care techniques. The creation of fast stream to the Hospital, alongside protocols we share with primary care centres, mean our Department brings excellence, equity and efficiency to the public health system.


The Urology Department is a reference centre in complex pathologies for Catalonia and the rest of Spain. Headed since 2020 by Dr Enric Trilla, the Unit’s aim is to integrate care, teaching and research. Over recent years, we have incorporated the most modern, least invasive surgical techniques, such as laparoscopic surgery and robotics (Da Vinci).


Portfolio of services

Our Department comprises various different units each with their specialities.

Prostate Pathology Unit

  • Early diagnosis of prostate cancer
  • Prostate biopsy laboratory
  • Multidisciplinary surgical prostate cancer treatment
  • HBPUrinary dysfunction and diagnosis of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH)
  • Surgery and minimally invasive treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia

Renal Pathology, Retroperineal and Kidney Transplant Unit

  • Diagnosis of kidney tumours
  • Surgical and multidisciplinary treatment of kidney tumours
  • Diagnosis and treatment of pyeloureteral stenosis
  • Kidney transplant programme

Urothelial Tumours Unit

  • Diagnosis of bladder tumours and urothelial tumours
  • Endoscopy laboratory
  • Surgical and multidisciplinary treatment of urothelial tumours
  • Endovesical Oncology Treatment Laboratory

Lithiasis Unit

  • Diagnosis of urinary lithiasis
  • Multidisciplinary treatment of urinary lithiasis

Andrology Unit

  • Diagnosis and multidisciplinary treatment of erectile dysfunction
  • Male infertility
  • Diagnosis and treatment of urethra stenosis
  • Endourethral treatment laboratory

Functional Vesicular Pathology and Neurourology

  • Diagnosis of bladder dysfunction and urinary incontinence
  • Multidisciplinary treatment of bladder dysfunctions and urinary incontinence
  • Urodynamics laboratory and videoeurodynamics
  • Endovesical treatment laboratory
  • Diagnosis and treatment of urological pathology in spinal cord injuries
  • Diagnosis and treatment of urological pathology in multiple sclerosis



Over the last fifteen years, we have put significant efforts into translational research in order to apply knowledge gained from basic research to the prevention and treatment of clinical cases, within the framework of the Vall d'Hebron Research Institute (VHIR). This is why we have several research programmes of recognised international prestige. The result of this commitment to research is the transfer of knowledge in the form of publications and patents.



At the Urology Department, we are committed to training graduates and postgraduates from the Faculty of Medicine of the Autonomous University of Barcelona, as well as training medical residents to be specialists in our field. Since 1973, we have trained more than sixty specialists, distributed throughout Spain and other countries.

Research gropus
Teaching units
Related diseases
Related diagnostic tests
Related healthcare treatment
Related professionals
Dr. Enrique
Trilla Herrera
Head of Department
Dr. Juan
Morote Robles
Oncology, Biomedical Research in Urology
Dr. Carles Xavier
Raventós Busquets
Head of Section
Dra. Mercè
Cuadras Solé
Dra. Marta
Allué López
Dr. Albert
Carrión Puig
Dr. Alonso
Narvaez Barros
Dr. Fernando
Lozano Palacio
Dr. Lucas
Regis Plácido
Dr. Jordi
Ropero Valverde
Dr. Jacques
Planas Morin
Dr. José
Placer Santos
Dr. Luis
Castro Sáder
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