Foetal Medicine
At the Foetal Medicine Unit of Vall d'Hebron University Hospital, we offer highly specialised care for the treatment of various diseases, for both high-risk mothers and foetuses. Our extensive experience makes us a reference centre in Catalonia, Spain and neighbouring countries. Since 2015, we are the only centre in Spain that is able to offer all intrauterine surgery possibilities.
At our Unit, we use the most advanced technology, so we can offer highly sophisticated examinations and treatments both for the foetus, which becomes a patient before birth, and the mother, who presents very high risk problems, for herself and for the foetus or baby.
Quality, personalised care during gestation requires different highly specialised units that help in possible complications of the mother and the foetus. For mothers, we have an Intensive Care Medicine and Intermediate Obstetric Care Department; for babies, we offer families the most advanced procedures and technology in diagnosis, management and intrauterine neonatal treatments.
Some of the diseases we deal with are:
- Prevention of premature labour with a cervical pessary, a silicone ring that is placed in the cervix and guarantees in almost 100% of cases that the 37 week minimum gestation is respected
- Placental insufficiency and growth restriction
- Maternal infections and how these affect the foetus, malformations, infections, foetal transfusions, complicated and uncomplicated pregnancies with twins.
- We are also pioneers in diagnosis and treatments, such as foetal surgery, especially in cases of foeto-foetal transfusion between monochorionic twins, as well as high risk ultrasounds and prenatal invasive and non-invasive diagnosis.
The Department set up the Maternal and Foetal Medicine Research Group, recognised by both Catalan and Spanish research agencies, which works at the Vall d'Hebron Research Institute and promotes basic and applied research, and the host laboratories at Vall d'Hebron.
The Maternal and Foetal Medicine Research Group is part of the Division of Obstetrics, Paediatrics and Genetics, and is made up of a network of interdisciplinary researchers in basic and clinical sciences with a shared focus of interest.
Our state-level centre enjoys European recognition for the training of EBCOG residents EBCOG (European Board and College of Obstetrics and Gynaecology) and the EAPM (European Association of Perinatal Medicine). We are also the first centre accredited for the training of Fellows2 in gynaecological oncology and breast pathologies by the ESGO (European Society of Gynaecological Oncology).