From the labto the hospital

Biomedical Research in Cancer Stem Cells

Recerca Biomèdica en Cèl·lules Mare de Càncer a Vall d'Hebron Institut de Recerca

One of the main aims is early detection of breast cancer and studying new genes involved in the pathology. The group is working on identifying and characterising genes in breast tumours, as well as markers in laryngeal, pharyngeal and lung cancer with diagnostic value and a prognosis that help to target more specific chemotherapy treatment. 


The research group focuses mainly on stress-related ageing in cells. Focusing on those which have a role in cancer, the laboratory develops genetic screenings based on detecting new genes related to cell proliferation. The research in this sense is based on using different cellular models: primary human cells, murine cells or immortalised cells capable of ageing.

It is working on identifying and characterising genes and microRNA in more aggressive breast tumours (triple negative); markers in laryngeal, pharyngeal and lung cancer with diagnostic value and a prognosis that help to target more specific chemotherapy treatment. Paying particular attention to breast cancer and its detection before clinical manifestation, the group is also studying new genes involved in cancer based on their identification in basic genetic traits.

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Dr. Juan
Lorente Guerrero
Head of Department
Ear, Nose and Throat
Biomedical Research with Cancer Stem Cells
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