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Dra. Maria
Gutierrez San Miguel Guilera

Gutierrez San Miguel

I am a Nurse and Engineer with experience in process optimization. As coordinator of the Process Unit, my main task is to promote value-based care by redesigning care pathways to enhance everything that gives value to the patient and eliminate everything that doesn't.

Centers Info

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Cross-departmental services

Nursing Supervisor
Innovation, Quality and Processes Management


Since 2016 I have been working at the Hospital for the improvement of both clinical (stroke, localized prostate cancer, minoritary diseases) and organizational (surgical, hospitalization, CCEE ...) processes.

Over the years we have developed our own methodology to enhance Value Based Healthcare, where leadership  from the clincians and patient participation play a key role in achieving the most important results for the patient and for the institution.

Other data: Member of the Working Group of Pathways & Outcomes of the European University Hospital Alliance. Member of the Board of the ESADE Alumni Health and Pharma Club.


Collaborating professor of several Masters and Postgraduates in the field of Quality, Processes and project management. I have also carried out teaching activity at the in-hospital level in this same field.


My training as a Senior Chemical Engineer (UPC) began in 2000 and ended in 2006 with an Erasmus scholarship to develop the Final Degree Project at the École Nationale Supérieure des Industries Chimiques, Nancy, France.

With four years of professional experience, in 2010 I began my studies in the Degree in Nursing (UB), in parallel and always prioritizing my work activities.
While ending my final year of the Nursing Degree, to complete my training, I attended the Executive MBA (Master in Business Administration) at ESADE Business School, which began in September 2014 and ended in January. 2016.

Other studies:
-Postgraduate Lean Practitioner (UPC, 2020)
-Postgraduate in Health Products. (UB, 2015)

Altres institucions

Altres institucions amb les quals està vinculat

Membre del Working Group de Pathways & Outcomes de la European University Hospital Alliance. Membre de la Junta del Club Salud y Farma de ESADE Alumni.

Perfils XXSS

Xarxes socials

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