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Sr. Marc
Moltó Abad


Biologist with experience in clinical research of inborn errors of metabolism in adult patients. The reasons why I am working in this research field are that rare diseases show low prevalence in the population and their pathophysiology remains unclear. In addition, the consequences of the lack of treatment could be very dangerous for these patients. Cellular biology is my passion and that is why I am a biologist graduated with a cytogenetics Master of Science degree. At the present time, I am working as a research technician in the Rare Diseases Unit.

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Rare diseases


Since 2016, I have worked as a research technician specialized in lysosomal storage disease in adult patients. I have participated in some clinical studies as a Study Coordinator and I have attended in meetings and symposiums about novel treatments, diagnostic and research in order to know more about these rare diseases. My formation as a biologist started in 2008 and during this period, I could realize a practice stay in a company of clinical laboratories as a laboratory technician. After that, in 2014, I started my research specialization in telomeric dysfunction of breast epithelial cells with a cytogenetics and reproduction biology Master of Science degree.

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