We provide care, training and carry out research because you are our centre

Traumatology Intensive Care

Cures intensives a Vall d'Hebron

The work we carry out at the Intensive Care Medicine Department greatly affects that of other specialties, as well as the care that can be offered by the Traumatology and Rehabilitation Ward.


Structurally, we distinguish between two levels of treatment complexity at the Traumatology Intensive Care Department: one intensive, or high complexity, and another semi-intensive, or medium complexity. The Neurotraumatology Intensive Care Medicine Department has an Intensive Care Unit (ICU) and a Semi-Intensive Care Unit.

The Neurotraumatology Intensive Care Unit presents the following characteristics:

  • Specialised staff with extensive experience.
  • A good location, as it is on the 1st floor, near the A&E Department and the scanner, and allows for easy evacuation of patients in case of emergency.
  • The Intermediate Care Unit helps provide progressive care for certain ICU patients, as well as helping treat patients who, though not suitable for intensive care, might not be able to be admitted to a hospitalisation ward.
  • Neurotraumatology Clinical Research Unit.
  • Reference unit in Catalonia for acute spinal lesions.
  • Reference unit for Catalonia in the treatment of patients diagnosed with malignant infarction of the middle cerebral artery.
  • The Unit enjoys an extremely high level of credibility and prestige, making it the first option for medical residents from all over Spain and other specialists to update their knowledge in our areas of reference.  



Most of the research and clinical trials carried out at the Neurotraumatology Intensive Care Unit are carried out through the Neurotraumatology and Neurosurgery Research Unit (UNINN), set up in 1992.

The UNINN is composed of a multidisciplinary team (neurosurgeons, intensivists, anaesthetists, neuroradiologists, rehabilitators and neuropsychologists), and support staff contracted by the Unit. It has carried out several subsidised research projects, doctoral theses and multicentre, international clinical trials, which are carried out largely at the Traumatology Intensive Care Medicine Unit.

The Neurotraumatology and Neurosurgery Research Unit has two co-directors, namely Dr J. Sahuquillo and Dr M. A. Poca, from the Neurosurgery Department, and Dr A. Garnacho, from the Neurotraumatology Intensive Care Unit.

Teaching units
Related diseases
Related professionals
Dr. Marcelino
Baguena Martínez
Head of Department
Traumatology Intensive Care
Dr. Fran
Martinez Ricarte
Neurosurgery and Neurotraumatology Research Unit (UNINN)
Sr. Victor
Quintanilla Janillo
Nursing Supervisor
Traumatology Intensive Care
Dr. Agustí
Bescós Cabestre
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