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Dra. María Teresa
Higueras Sanz

María Teresa

I am a specialist in Obstetrics and Gynecology in charge for the Obstetric Ultrasound unit where we provide assistance to pregnant women and their babies. We attend low-risk pregnancies controlled in the primary care centers of our health area, hight risk pregnancies controlled in our service, and pregnant women derived from other centers that require some specific examination. My main interest is the knowledge and study of the fetus and the environment in which it develops using the ultrasound technique. I belong to the Vall d'Hebron Institut de Recerca (VHIR) Maternal-Fetal Medicine research group and the Vall d´Hebron Placenta Ácreta Multidisciplinary Unit (UMPA). I am also an associate clinical professor in the Medicine degree at the UAB in the subject of Obstetrics and Gynecology.

Centers Info

Belongs to the institutions

Children's Hospital and Woman's Hospital

Gynaecology Ultrasound


I did my Medicine and Surgery degree at the University of Zaragoza where I also obtained a Doctor degree. I did my specialized training in Obstetrics and Gynecology at the Hospital Clinico Universitario San Cecilio in Granada and, thanks to a Research grant (FPI) from the Diputación General de Aragón (DGA) and later a post-doctoral "Fleming" grant from the Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (MEC), I had the opportunity to complete my training at the Harris Birthright Research Center for Fetal Medicine in London for two and a half years under the supervision of Professor Kypros Nicolaides.

I Joined at the Vall d'Hebron Hospital Obstetric Ultrasound unit in 2001 and since then I am working primarily giving ultrasound support to high-risk pregnancies and collaborating in papers that have been published by the different units of our service: Prematurity, Placental insufficiency, Prenatal diagnosis and Fetal Medicine. I am especially interested in new technologies that can be used in the field of obstetric ultrasound such as 3D printing, simulation models for teching purpose, and artificial intelligence.

Since my incorporation, I have collaborated as docent in the training courses in Maternal-Fetal Medicine, and since 2006 I co-direct the annual basic obstetric-gynecological ultrasound course organized by the Obstetrics service of the Vall d'Hebron Hospital. Also From 2006, I am the coordinator of the Committee on Birth Congenital Defects and Fetal Medicine, an interdisciplinary committee that meets once a week to comment and study the most significant cases of fetal and maternal-fetal pathology.

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