We provide care, training and carry out research because you are our centre

Oculoplastic and Orbital Surgery


Oculoplastic and orbital surgery is a sub-specialism that treats the pathology related to the eye attachments, with four main fields of interest: orbital pathology, tear duct anomalies, anophthalmic cavity pathology and eyelid disorders.


The main characteristic of this field is its multi-disciplinary nature, due to the diversity of systemic diseases that may be involved. It is also an area that touches on other specialisms, including maxillofacial surgery, ear, nose and throat, plastic surgery and neurosurgery.

Treatment in this field often involves inter-relation with other medical specialisms, including endocrinology, internal medicine, radiology and oncology. We also provide medical and surgical care for oculoplastic pathology at the Children’s and Women’s Hospital.

We are a benchmark centre (CSUR) for orbital tumours nationwide and have set up an Orbital Tumour Hospital Committee to provide our patients with the best care and treatment.

Research gropus
Teaching units
Related diseases
Related healthcare treatment
Related professionals
Dr. Miguel Ángel
Arcediano Sánchez
Dr. Joan
Oliveres Martinez
Dr. Josep
García Arumí
Head of Department
Person in charge/Manager/Director
Dr. Antoni
Dou Saenz de Vizmanos
Dr. Òscar
Balaguer Solé
Dra. Randa
Dra. Elena
Jurado Gonzalez
Paediatric Ophthalmology
Dr. Javier José
Puig Galy
Dra. Helena
Brosa Morros
Dr. Alfredo
Pueyo Ferrer
Dra. Sara
Martín Nalda
Dra. Marta
Castany Aregall
Dr. Jaime
Rigó Quera
Dra. Anna
Boixadera Espax
Dra. Laia
Bisbe López
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