We provide care, training and carry out research because you are our centre

Paediatric emergency care

Unitat d'urgències infantils  Vall d'Hebron

The Unit is made up of a team of specialist paediatricians, paediatric nursing staff, paediatric resident doctors working in shifts during their training, nursing assistants, paediatric nursing residents, porters, administrative and cleaning staff who share work and experiences for the sole purpose of offering the best care to the boys and girls in the Unit. We are experts in emergency care for children with complex diseases (patients with solid-organ or bone-marrow transplants, immunosuppressed patients, etc.,) in synergy with the other units in our centre. We are also part of the Paediatrics Department, offering comprehensive care to children who are poorly.



Our Paediatric Emergency Unit attends to patients up to the age of 16, except for children with chronic diseases requiring very specific treatment who may be attended to by our Unit even when they are over this age limit.

Besides making visits to assess children's emergency medical or surgical pathology, and appointments for patients who require clinical monitoring after our consultation, we also have an Observation ward for admitting patients who require hospitalisation.

Thanks to the coordination between the Nursing, Paediatric Emergency, Traumatology, Anaesthesiology, Radiology and Paediatric ICU teams and many other professionals, we are a benchmark centre in AITP (Initial Care for Paediatric Trauma).

When it comes to teaching, the Unit trains resident doctors (MIR) in Paediatrics and Family Medicine, as well as resident nurses in Paediatric Nursing. The Unit also plays a key role in training undergraduate Medical and Nursing students, as well practical training placements for nursing assistants. We take part in numerous continuous-teaching and training activities within and without the Hospital (advanced paediatrics life-support courses and AITP, joint courses with Primary Care, internal Hospital courses, sessions with several Units and Services, care simulations on children with multiple trauma and children in a critical condition, etc.).

As for research, we are part of the Spanish Society of Paediatric Emergency Medicine (SEUP) and its research network (RiSEUP), and we take part in numerous multi-centre projects and clinical trials.

Research gropus
Teaching units
Related diseases
Related healthcare treatment
Related professionals
Dr. Sebastià
González Peris
Medical Coordinator
Pediatric Emergency
Sr. Albert
Cortés Borra
Nursing Supervisor
Dra. Núria
Wörner Tomasa
Dr. Quique
Dra. Yolanda
Sra. Irene
Ortiz Martinez
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