Paediatric Hospitalisation and Hospital Paediatrics Unit
The Paediatric Hospitalisation and Hospital Paediatrics Unit was recently created. It represents a considerable evolution in the care of paediatric patients admitted into the Maternity and Children's Hospital, replacing the former General Paediatrics Unit, in order to adapt to current care requirements.
This Unit plays a very important role in the overall, comprehensive care of paediatric patients. The paediatricians of this unit are responsible for the care of a large majority of acute paediatric illnesses, maintaining a close relationship with the other medical and surgical subspecialities, and aim to become leaders in treating patients who are difficult to diagnose or who have a complex pathology, as part of their care and teaching activities concerning paediatric hospitalism.
The Unit undertakes training activities that are crucial for paediatric residents and their specific areas in their first year of residency (such as obligatory rotation) and it is then especially interesting for those doctors who are about to finish their residency, as it allows them and their tutors to know how much theoretical, practical and communicative knowledge they have acquired, so that this can be complemented where necessary.
The members of this unit carry out a wide variety of external consultations: clinical follow-up of admitted patients who need care in Hospital Paediatrics before being transferred to Primary Paediatric Care, visits to difficult-to-diagnose or imprecisely diagnosed outpatients, patients with "brief, unexplained resolved episodes", Social Paediatrics, vascular anomalies, endocrinological alterations.
Unit paediatricians are lecturers at the UAB's Faculty of Medicine, responsible for teaching theoretical and practical paediatrics to future doctors.
In terms of scientific research, the Paediatric Hospitalisation Unit is becoming more and more active in carrying out research work based on care and clinical-testing activities.
Portfolio of Services
- Care for paediatric patients, from babies to adolescents, who are suffering from acute paediatric illnesses, which, in particular, include infectious, respiratory and digestive pathologies.
- Paediatric consultancy and support for paediatric surgical services, especially the Paediatric Surgery Department and the paediatric units of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Neurosurgery, ENT and Maxillofacial surgery.
- Outpatient clinics for released patients who require monitoring, patients with complex diagnoses referred from Paediatric Emergencies and Primary Care.
- “No-patient” paediatric clinic for SAP Muntanya Primary Care.
- Outpatient clinic for children who have suffered "brief, unexplained resolved episodes" or are monitored for apnoea at home, as well as monitoring babies with a family history of sudden death.
- Social Paediatrics
Education and Training
Training programme for paediatric residents by means of their 4-month obligatory rotation during their first year, and optional rotations in their fourth year of residency. Resident doctors undertake a theoretical and practical programme in order to obtain basic knowledge of Hospital Paediatrics.
There are weekly clinical sessions run by the Unit and periodic joint sessions with other paediatric units in the hospital.
Research studies into paediatric illnesses in hospitals (infectious, respiratory, coagulation, etc.) and a variety of clinical tests.