From the labto the hospital

Digestive Physiology and Physiopathology

Fisiologia i fisiopatologia digestiva a Vall d'Hebron Institut de Recerca

The group researches, in a global way, the aspects related to the workings of the entire digestive tract. This includes secretion, motility, absorption and the barrier in terms of health and illness.


In the field of gastrointestinal motility, the research focuses on visceral sensitivity disorders, the gut-brain axis and intestinal allergies. This includes the search for new therapeutic methods and diagnosis of this type of disorder, including irritable bowel syndrome, which accounts for about half of digestive system consultations.

Research into inflammation also covers the physiology and treatment of pancreatic disorders, acute inflammation or chronic pancreatitis, and cancer. The group includes an inter-department research programme surrounding the role of intestinal microflora in inflammation and bowel function.  

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Lead Researcher
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Gastrointestinal Physiology and Physiopathology
Dra. Carmen
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Digestive System
Lead Researcher
Digestive and Liver Diseases / Nursing , Gastrointestinal Physiology and Physiopathology