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Breast Pathology

Patologia Mamària a Vall d'Hebron
The Breast Pathology Unit is part of the Gynaecology Department, and falls within the Breast Centre of the Vall d'Hebron University Hospital. It is a reference centre for the surrounding area and Catalonia as a whole, as well as being one of the centres in Spain with the highest number of patients treated for breast cancer. It carries out both healthcare and research activity.


Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer in women. It is estimated that 1 in 10 women will develop breast cancer throughout their lives. At Vall d'Hebron, we offer multidisciplinary treatment that guarantees quality care. We apply techniques using conservative surgery and aesthetic reconstruction of patients.
At the Breast Pathology Unit, we have specialists in surgery and gynaecology, who work together on multidisciplinary teams made up of gynaecologists specialising in breast surgery, radiologists, obstetricians and oncologists. For this reason, we are a reference centre in the treatment of breast cancer during pregnancy, where we seek to achieve the best results in these complex cases.
Our Unit offers diagnosis and treatment for different types of breast cancer. We collaborate in the monitoring and treatment of high-risk patients with the Hospital's Genetic Counselling Programme. We work together with plastic surgeons for immediate breast reconstruction. We participate in translational research with the Vall d'Hebron Institute of Oncology (VHIO) for the application of results from clinical trials in daily practice for personalised medicine.
We are located in the Maternity and Children's Hospital. The Breast Pathology Unit occupies the ground floor, which is where the outpatient clinic is located. There are currently five breast pathology clinics and two clinics for biopsies and treatments. The Department connected to the clinics is Radiology, where screening programmes and radiological diagnosis of breast pathologies are carried out. The hospitalisation ward is on floor 9.
Care is provided in the outpatient consultations, the operating room and the hospitalisation ward. Scheduled surgeries, on the other hand, are performed in the operating theatres of the Maternity and Children's Hospital and outpatient surgery at the Pere Virgili Health Park.
Research gropus
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