Paediatric Urology
Our Unit is a pioneer in the treatment of sexual differentiation disorders at the paediatric age. We are also a renowned centre for paediatric renal transplants, and lead the way in Catalonia, especially in complex kidney transplants or transplants in combination with other organs.
Portfolio of services
- Renal biopsies: open and puncture
- Neurogenic bladder: intermittent probes, bladder enlargements (gut, ureter), botulinum toxin injections into the bladder
- Bladder extrophy surgery
- Partial clitoridectomies
- Renal duplicities
- Epispadias
- Upper and lower heminephrectomy
- Percutaneous nephrostomy
- Pyeloplasty (Anderson-Hines technique). Open, laparoscopic and robotic techniques
- Endoscopic puncture of ureterocele
- Vesicoureteral reflux: Cohen technique. Endoscopic submeatal injection
- Continent urinary reservoirs
- Bilateral suprarenalectomy, laparoscopic and robotic techniques
- Hipospadias correction techniques: Mathieu, Snodgrass, Onlai, Duckett, oral or bladder mucous in interscrotals. Meatotomy. Nesbitt technique
- Techniques to resolve urinary incontinence
- Treatment of the megaureter
- Endoscopic treatment of the valves of the posterior urethra
- Surgical treatment of sexual differentiation anomalies
- Kidney transplant
- Kidney transplant from a living donor
- Cutaneous ureterostomies
- Sigmoid vaginoplasty
- Vesicotomies
- Perineal and abdominoperineal vulvovaginoplasty