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Paediatric Digestive Surgery and Transplants

Cirurgia Digestiva i Trasplantament Pediàtrics a Vall d'Hebron

The Digestive Surgery and Transplant Department depends on the Paediatric Surgery Department and has pursued lines of work in the treatment of Hirschsprung's disease, anorectal malformations and treatment of short gut syndrome, and, in this last field, it is one of the most experienced centres in Spain in the "step" technique, among others.


Our Department stands out for our use of endoscopic and laparoscopic techniques, including robotic techniques, and for our treatment of complex hepatobiliary pathologies, with excellent results in the obstruction of bile ducts, hepatic resections and the surgical treatment of portal hypertension with all kinds of shunt techniques, including "Rex shunts". The Unit is also a leader within Spain for the treatment of congenital portocaval shunts.

The Cabinet of Digestive Physiology is a leading name in the study of gastroesophageal reflux (pH-metrics and bioimpedimetry) and anorectal manometry.


Portfolio of services 

  • Achalasia and endoscopic or surgical treatment
  • Portal hypertension surgery (Warren shunt, Rex shunt, mesenteric-caval shunt)
  • Surgery for adolescent morbid obesity, intragastric balloons, laparoscopic surgery and robotics
  • Surgery for gastroesophageal reflux, open and laparoscopic technique
  • Proctological surgery
  • Cholecystectomy, open and laparoscopic technique
  • Congenital or acquired stenosis of the oesophagus, endoscopic or surgical treatment
  • Hepatectomies
  • Hirschsprung's disease
  • Inflammatory bowel disease
  • Anorectal malformations
  • Congenital and acquired pathology of the biliary tract: biliary laryngeal obstruction, bile duct cysts, common biliopancreatic canal
  • Surgical pathology of the pancreas. Tumours, pancreatic cysts, hyperinsulinism, chronic pancreatitis
  • Techniques of intestinal elongation for short gut syndrome
  • Techniques of oesophageal replacement
  • Digestive physiology exploratory techniques: oesophageal and anorectal manometry, pH-metrics, rectal biopsy for suction
  • Treatment of congenital and acquired anomalies of the small intestine and colon
  • Liver transplant (whole/reduced organ, etc.)
  • Liver transplant from a living donor
  • Hepatointestinal transplant
  • Isolated intestinal transplant
  • Multivisceral intestinal transplant
  • Hepatocyte transplant
Research gropus
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Related professionals
Sr. Albert
Cortés Borra
Nursing Supervisor
Dra. Itxarone
Bilbao Aguirre
Head of Section
Hepatobiliopancreatic surgery and transplants
Digestive System Transplants
Dr. Carles
Head of Section
Gastrointestinal Surgery and Paediatric Transplants
Clinical Nanomedicine and Advanced Therapies Research Centre. Bioengineering, Cell Therapy and Surgery in Congenital Anomalies
Dr. Quique
Dra. Yolanda
Sra. Irene
Ortiz Martinez
News and events
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