We provide care, training and carry out research because you are our centre


Nefrologia a Vall d'Hebron

The Nephrology Department offers comprehensive care for people with various kidney diseases. We offer a peritoneal dialysis programme and a haemodialysis service, in which different blood cleansing techniques are applied. Our transplant programme is one of the most active in the country.



At the Nephrology Department we have a highly qualified team that is well coordinated with other Hospital and primary care services to offer a comprehensive approach to patients with kidney disease, ranging from prevention and early detection to treatment of the disease.   

We admit 1,000 patients annually, hold 15,000 consultations and have a peritoneal dialysis programme, a haemodialysis unit, extracorporeal cleansing techniques, and in addition over the last year we carried out 130 kidney transplants.

We are a Reference Centre of the Spanish National Health System (CSUR) in complex glomerular diseases.



Our research is based on patient follow-up and the study of mechanisms and markers of the prognosis for different kidney diseases as reflected in various publications. The Department participates actively in international clinical trials.



This includes the teaching of undergraduates and postgraduates, training nephrology students and continuing education.

Research gropus
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Sra. Adela
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Sra. Montse
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