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Social Obstetrics Unit

The Social Obstetrics Unit offers clinical assistance during pregnancy to women and families at risk of social vulnerability.


The Social Obstetrics Unit was created to accompany women at risk of social vulnerability during pregnancy and the postpartum period in a multidisciplinary and coordinated manner. 

The unit’s objective is to improve any unfavourable social environment that affects and aggravates a health problem. And, above all, to help women and their families adjust to the new situation they will face after childbirth. Coordination between the Obstetrics, Social Work and Neonatology Departments during pregnancy, with early detection of the need for social support, facilitates and promotes this objective.

The team is comprised of professionals from the fields of social work, obstetrics, neonatology, nursing, psychology and psychiatry. Weekly meetings are held in order to ascertain the specific circumstances of each family and to be able to promote social support and early coordination with the local social work department in the primary care centres.

In recent years, a great effort has been made to integrate a biopsychosocial approach to the care of pregnant women at risk of social vulnerability and to include research in clinical practice.


Social situations associated with this speciality:

- Teenage pregnancies

- Gender-based violence


Treatments related to this speciality:

- Social intervention

-  Psychological intervention


Departments associated with this speciality

- Psychiatry

- Obstetrics

- Social Work

- Neonatology

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