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Perinatal Mental Health Unit

The Perinatal Mental Health Unit offers high quality clinical care to women with mental health problems and addictions during pregnancy.


The Perinatal Mental Health Unit was created to accompany women with mental health problems and addictions during pregnancy and the postpartum period, in a multidisciplinary manner and from an intersectional feminist perspective that guarantees women's human rights. The Mental Health and Gestation Team is comprised of professionals from the fields of psychiatry, psychology, neonatology, obstetrics, nursing and social work.

The Unit has obstetrics and psychiatry outpatient clinics, and also sees patients admitted during pregnancy or the postpartum period.

The scope of the speciality is broad, dealing with disorders during pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period; abortion; weaning; adoption; and integrating research into clinical practice. The most important functions are: 

- Pregnancy planning in women undergoing psychopharmacological treatment or those suffering from mental health problems and/or previous addictions. 

- Rapid consultation for pregnant women taking psychotropic medications or recreational drugs.

- Seeking advice from other professionals on the most effective and safe treatment during pregnancy.

- Establishing a treatment plan for women suffering from mental health problems and/or addiction during pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period.

- Care for perinatal bereavement and mental disorders brought about by an interrupted pregnancy.

- Treatment of postpartum depression and attachment disorders.

- Working with social services to provide a holistic approach and to ensure the protection of mother and child. 

- Fighting against stigma. 

- The training of staff from various disciplines.

- Research integrated into clinical practice.


Treatments related to this speciality:

- Psychotherapy

- Pharmacological treatment

- Social intervention


 Departments associated with this speciality

- Psychiatry

- Obstetrics

- Social Work

- Neonatology


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